Table Name:probdesc
Table Number:1
Description:Solution object: Description of known solutions
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
creation_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime1   Date and time the solution was created Search (5)
descriptionCHARtext   ALLOW_NULL Full description of the solution  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
distLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
end_gatesARRAY10 DIRECT, BINARY Associated binary array object Search (17)
hitsLONGint   DIRECT Number of times the solution has been linked to a case Search (2)
id_numberCHARvarchar432  Unique ID number for the solution; assigned according to auto-numbering definition Search (11)
modify_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime48   The date and time when object is saved Search (1)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (17)
ownership_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime47   The date and time when ownership changes  
public_indLONGsmallint  DIRECT Indicates whether the solution is available for public view (i.e., 0=no, 1=yes, default=0) and via which method (e.g., WebBrowser)  
ratingLONGint   DIRECT Solution rating Search (4)
solnsLONGint   DIRECT Number of resolutions for the solution. Reserved; not used  
titleCHARvarchar2255  Solution title -describes main details of the solution Search (9)
x_fc_public_indCHARvarchar 40 USER_DEFINED Public Solution Indicator for FTS Indexing  
x_res1CHARvarchar 20 USER_DEFINED Restriction field Search (3)
x_res2CHARvarchar 20 USER_DEFINED Restriction field Search (3)
x_res3CHARvarchar 20 USER_DEFINED Restriction field Search (3)
x_res4CHARvarchar 20 USER_DEFINED Restriction field Search (3)
x_res5CHARvarchar 20 USER_DEFINED Restriction field Search (3)
x_solution_typeCHARvarchar 120 USER_DEFINED Solution Type  
yank_flagLONGint   DIRECT Indicates whether solution is being modified externally. Reserved; not used  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in ViewsSet NameType ID Stored inObjid Stored In
 Exclusive Set Relations
probdesc2act_entryOTMact_entryact_entry2probdescActivity log entries for the solution       
probdesc2bugMTMbugbug2probdescChange request related to the solution  mtm_probdesc12_
probdesc2conditionOTOPconditioncondition2probdescCondition of the solution   Search (8)   
probdesc2contactMTOcontactcontact2probdesc USER_DEFINED      
probdesc_emp2employeeMTMemployeecreator2probdescEmployee who added the solution  mtm_probdesc10_
keywords2keyword_textOTOFkeyword_textkeywords2probdescKeyword text for the solution       
probdesc_view2monitorMTMmonitormonitor2probdescReserved; obsolete  mtm_probdesc11_
probdesc2notes_logOTMnotes_lognotes_log2probdesc USER_DEFINED      
probdesc2prog_logicOTMprog_logicprog_logic2probdescProgram logic objects using the solution. Reserved; not used       
probdesc_q2queueMTOqueuequeue2probdescQueue the solution is dispatched to   Search (2)   
probdesc_prevq2queueMTOqueueprevq2probdescImmediately prior queue the solution was dispatched to; used in temporary accept feature       
probdesc2r_rqstOTMr_rqstr_rqst2probdescRouting requests for the description for a known problem    route_for source_type source_lowid 
probdesc2reject_msgOTMreject_msgrej_reason2probdescReject messages for the solution       
probdesc2scr_runOTMscr_runscr_run2probdescCall scripts initiated from the solution       
probdesc2status_chgOTMstatus_chgstatus_chg2probdescStatus change for the solution       
probdesc2tagMTMtagtag2probdesc USER_DEFINED mtm_probdesc17_
probdesc_owner2userMTOusercurr_owner2probdescOwner of the solution   Search (7)   
probdesc_orig2userMTOuseroriginator2probdescOriginator of the solution       
probdesc_wip2wipbinMTOwipbinwipbin2probdescWipbin into which the soluction is accepted   Search (1)   
probdesc2workaroundOTMworkaroundworkaround2probdescWorkarounds related to the solution       
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
finale_indexid_numbernonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
ind_probdesc_owner2userprobdesc_owner2usernonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_probdesc_q2queueprobdesc_q2queuenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_probdesc_titletitlenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_probdesc_wip2wipbinprobdesc_wip2wipbinnonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
p2c0001probdesc2conditionnonclustered located on PRIMARY
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