Table Name:contr_itm
Table Number:142
Group:Sales Mgr
Description:Line items on a contract or quote
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
actionCHARvarchar 20 ALLOW_NULL MACD action Search (2)
auto_inst_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates whether indicates whether a generic part is to be auto installed: 0=no, 1=yes, default=0 Search (3)
bill_attnCHARvarchar 30  First name of the person billing will be directed to. If used will override corresponding field on contr_schedule  
bill_attn2CHARvarchar 40  Last name of the person billing will be directed to. If used will override corresponding field on contr_schedule  
cancel_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD If a line is canceled or closed, the date when the cancel or close becomes effective Search (3)
chg_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The last date through which charges accrue Search (2)
chg_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The date from which charges start to accrue Search (2)
child_cntLONGsmallint  DIRECT For a parent line, the number of child contr_itm lines under it Search (3)
commentsCHARvarchar 255  Comments about the line item Search (2)
create_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    The create date for the line item Search (2)
credit_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT If line is canceled or closed, whether or not credit is to be issued: 0=no, 1=yes Search (2)
d_adj_extnDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The extended amount of a single adjustment; whether a fixed value or the result of d_adj_pct * unit price Search (2)
d_adj_fxdDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Single and last applied Line level adjustment. Used if d_adj_type is fixed Search (2)
d_adj_pctDECIMALdecimal (19,4)    Single and last applied Line level percent adjustment. Used if d_adj_type is percent Search (2)
d_adj_typeCHARvarchar 40  Type of adjustment, 'Discount-Fixed Amount', 'Surcharge-Fixed Amount', 'Discount-Percentage', 'Surcharge-Percentage' Search (2)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
end_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    The last effective date for the line item Search (7)
extnDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY Rollup_Prc * quantity Search (3)
gross_prcDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Sum (child.prc * child.quantity) + prc Search (3)
handling_costDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The sum of all handling costs for the item. Used where contract.struct_type=2 Search (3)
instance_idCHARvarchar 30 ALLOW_NULL Installed part unique instnace id Search (2)
last_mod_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_DATE The date/time indicating the last time the row was updated to reflect a mid-term change. If any of the billing related columns in this record change then this column is updated Search (2)
last_xfer_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date/time that the set of billing records for this line item were transferred into Trans_record Search (2)
line_keyCHARvarchar 40  The Configurator line item identifier corresponding to the item Search (3)
line_noLONGsmallint   DIRECT Sequential line number of the contr_itm within its parent item. 0=line has no parent Search (6)
line_no_txtCHARvarchar 20  Sequential line number of line within its parent line.=0 if line has no parent Search (6)
net_prcDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY The price of the order item after adjustments have been applied. Extn +/- adjs Search (4)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (12)
oride_priceDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The value of a manually overridden price Search (2)
p_line_noLONGsmallint  DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD Sequential line number of parent lines. For child lines it equals parent's p_line_no Search (3)
prcDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The unit price of the product, which was copied from the related price_inst Search (3)
pro_prcDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY The prorated price of the item Search (3)
prod_sales_ordCHARvarchar 40  The sales order of the product to be installed under the contract line item Search (2)
prorate_typeLONGtinyint  DIRECT How the line will be prorated; i.e., 0=no proration, 1=30-day-month basis, 2=actual-number-of-days-in-month basis; defaul=0 Search (2)
qty_based_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates whether a service line item is qty or time based: 0=time, 1=qty, default=0 Search (2)
quantityLONGint   DIRECT Number of products purchased Search (9)
quote_itemLONGtinyint  DIRECT Defines whether or not line counts toward total price. (i.e. if it's a giveaway) Search (3)
quote_snCHARvarchar 40  The serial number of the product to be installed under the contract line item Search (3)
renew_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates whether a line item is to be renewed or not: 0=no, 1=yes, default=1 Search (2)
rollup_prcDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Sum (child.net_prc) + prc Search (3)
start_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    The effective date for the line item Search (7)
statusCHARvarchar 20  Current status of an order line item. This is a user-defined popup with default name Order Line Status Search (3)
taxableLONGtinyint   DIRECT Indicates whether the item is taxable; i.e., 0=no, 1=yes Search (2)
tot_adjDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The sum of all adjustments against the line Search (3)
tot_ship_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The sum of all shipping charges for the item Search (3)
total_tax_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The sum of all taxes applied to the item. Used where contract.struct_type=2 Search (3)
unit_typeCHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used Search (3)
units_availFLOATreal    The number of line item units remaining Search (6)
units_purchFLOATreal    Number of line item units purchased Search (6)
units_usedFLOATreal    The number of line item units used up Search (6)
valid_prc_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates whether a valid price for the item was found; i.e., 0=no valid price found; 1=valid price found, default=1. Used in re-pricing Search (3)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
srvc_itm2act_entryOTMact_entryact_entry2contr_itmRelated service entitlement act_entry. The related act_entry belongs to a case using the contr_itm for an entitled service    
bill_itm2addressMTOaddressbill_addr2contr_itmBilling address which overrides the schedule's billing address for the item    
contr_itm2amort_dtlOTMamort_dtlamort_dtl2contr_itmAmortization detail entries for the contract item    
contr_itm2c_site_roleOTMc_site_rolec_site_role2contr_itmSite roles for the contract line item    
entitle2caseOTMcaseentitle2contr_itmCases using the contr_itm for entitilement. This is set for the site or part contr_itm being covered    
contr_itm2contr_instOTMcontr_instcontr_inst2contr_itmIndividual parts covered by the line item    
parent2contr_itmOTMcontr_itmchild2contr_itmFor line item hierarchy, the items directly subordinate to the current item    
child2contr_itmMTOcontr_itmparent2contr_itmFor line item hierarchy, the parent item   Search (2)
orig_itm2contr_itmOTMcontr_itmsccssr_itm2contr_itmReserved; future    
sccssr_itm2contr_itmMTOcontr_itmorig_itm2contr_itmReserved; future    
contr_itm2contr_prOTMcontr_prcontr_pr2contr_itmPrice adjustments for the line item    
contr_itm2contr_scheduleMTOcontr_scheduleschedule2contr_itmContract/quote schedule on which the line item appears   Search (7)
contr_itm2mod_levelMTOmod_levelpart_info2contr_itmRelated part revision   Search (9)
contr_itm2period_amtOTMperiod_amtperiod2contr_itmNet billing period amounts for the item    
contr_itm2price_instMTOprice_instprice_inst2contr_itmPrice instance used to get the price of the item   Search (2)
contr_itm2purchase_ordMTOpurchase_ordpayment2contr_itmPayment method for the line item. It may differ from that of the contract schedule   Search (2)
contr_itm2scr_runOTMscr_runscr_run2contr_itmScript runs initiated by the contract/quote item    
contr_itm2ship_partsMTOship_partsshipper2contr_itmShipping information which overrides the schedule's shipping information    
quoted_at2siteMTOsitequoted_at2contr_itmSite the item is quoted at REQUIRED  Search (3)
covered_by2siteMTOsitecovered_by2contr_itmFor site-based support programs, the site which is covered REQUIRED  Search (1)
contr_itm2site_partMTOsite_partsite_part2contr_itmInstalled part covered by this item REQUIRED  Search (5)
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ci2ml0142contr_itm2mod_level, start_date, end_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ii0142instance_idnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_chg_start_dtchg_start_dt, chg_end_dtnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_contr_itm2contr_schedulecontr_itm2contr_schedule, start_date, end_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_contr_itm2price_instcontr_itm2price_inst, start_date, end_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_contr_itm2ship_partscontr_itm2ship_parts, start_date, end_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_contr_itm2site_partcontr_itm2site_part, start_date, end_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_covered_by2sitecovered_by2site, start_date, end_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_last_mod_dtlast_mod_dtnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_start_datestart_date, end_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
qa2s0142quoted_at2sitenonclustered located on PRIMARY
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