Table Name:query
Table Number:203
Group:Info Retrieval
Description:EIS object which stores the definition of a query as defined by a user
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
default_valLONGint   DIRECT Indicates whether the query invokes properties, keyphrases, or both Search (2)
descriptionCHARvarchar 255  Description of the query. Used only by Billing Manager  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
keyword_modeCHARvarchar 10  If using keywords, match All or Any Search (2)
obj_typeLONGint   DIRECT Object type ID the query is for; e.g., case=0, solution=1, subcase=24, change request=192 Search (2)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (2)
order_valLONGint   DIRECT Ascending or descending sort criteria Search (2)
prompt_indLONGtinyint   DIRECT Indicates whether the query uses a run-time prompt; i.e., 0=no prompt, 1=prompt, default=0 Search (2)
prompt_ind_stCHARvarchar 20  Translates prompt_ind Search (2)
shared_persLONGtinyint   DIRECT Indicates whether the query is shareable with users other than the originator; i.e., 0=private, 1=shareable, default=0 Search (2)
shared_pers_stCHARvarchar 20  Translates shared_pers Search (2)
sql_statementCHARtext   ALLOW_NULL SQL code created based on parameters entered by user for the query Search (2)
stored_prc_nameCHARvarchar 40  Reserved for the name of the stored procedure for the query Search (2)
titleCHARvarchar 80  Name of the query Search (2)
view_typeLONGint   DIRECT Schema view being used for query; differs based on object type Search (2)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
query2keywd_elmOTMkeywd_elmkeywd_elm2queryKeywords used for the query    
query2qry_grpMTMqry_grpqry_grp2queryRelation to one or more query groups; allows iconification  mtm_query16_
query2query_elmOTMquery_elmquery_elm2queryProperty list items for the query    
query2sort_elmOTMsort_elmsort_elm2querySort criteria for the query    
first_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_1query2queryFirst query used in a trend    
second_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_2query2querySecond query used in a trend    
third_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_3query2queryThird query used in a trend    
fourth_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_4query2queryFourth query used in a trend    
fifth_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_5query2queryFifth query used in a trend    
sixth_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_6query2querySixth query used in a trend    
seventh_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_7query2querySeventh query used in a trend    
eigth_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_8query2queryEighth query used in a trend    
ninth_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_9query2queryNinth query used in a trend    
tenth_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_10query2queryTenth query used in a trend    
eleventh_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_11query2queryEleventh query used in a trend    
twelfth_query2trndOTMtrndtrnd_12query2queryTwelfth query used in a trend    
query2userMTOuseroriginator2queryUser that originated/created query   Search (2)
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
qry_name_indexquery2user, obj_type, titlenonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
Referenced in Views:
View IDView NameTables
404qry_owner query, user
406qry_grp_owner qry_grp, query, user
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