Table Name:onsite_log
Table Number:32
Description:Log used for summarizing a user's time/expenses/and or materials consumed for a case, a subcase, or a parts request; e.g., onsite time, materials, etc
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
billable_expDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total T&E log expenses that are billable Search (4)
billable_lbrDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total billable labor costs  
billable_mtlDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total material costs that are billable  
billable_timeLONGint   DIRECT Total T&E log elapsed time that is billable in seconds Search (4)
creation_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime1   Date and time the T&E log was created Search (5)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
internal_noteCHARvarchar 255  Notes intended for internal use only  
last_modifiedCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date and time T&E log was last modified  
non_bill_expDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total T&E log expenses that are not billable Search (4)
non_bill_lbrDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total non-billable labor costs  
non_bill_mtlDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total material costs that are not billable  
non_bill_timeLONGint   DIRECT Total T&E log elapsed time that is not billable in seconds Search (4)
notesCHARtext   ALLOW_NULL T&E log notes  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (7)
perf_byCHARvarchar 30  Login name of the Person that performs the T&E task Search (7)
removedLONGint  DIRECT Indicates the logical removal of the log object; i.e., 0=present, 1=removed, default=0  
resolutionCHARvarchar 40  Resolution code for T&E log. From user-defined pop up with default name RESOLUTION_CODE  
total_expDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total non-billable and billable expenses Search (5)
total_lbrDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total non-billable and billable labor costs  
total_mtlDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Total non-billable and billable material costs Search (1)
total_timeLONGint   DIRECT Total elapsed time, both billable and non-billable in seconds Search (6)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
onsite_log2act_entryOTMact_entryact_entry2onsite_logRelated activity log entry    
case_onsite2caseMTOcasecase_exps2onsite_logRelated case   Search (2)
detail_onsite2demand_dtlMTOdemand_dtldetail2onsite_logRelated part request   Search (2)
disfe_onsit2disptchfeMTOdisptchfedisptchfe2onsite_logRelated FE dispatch   Search (3)
onsite_doer2employeeMTOemployeeemployee2onsite_doerEmployee who performed task; used if different from the user logging the information    
onsite_log2exchangeMTOexchangeexchange2onsite_logRelated exchange    
onsite_log2expenseOTMexpense_logexpense2onsite_logRelated expense line items    
onsite_log2mtl_logOTMmtl_logmtl_log2onsite_logRelated material line items    
onsite_log2part_instMTOpart_instpart_inst2onsite_logRelated part instance    
subc_onsite2subcaseMTOsubcasesubc_onsit2onsite_logRelated subcase   Search (2)
onsite_log2timeOTMtime_logtime2onsite_logRelated time line items    
onsite_owner2userMTOuseroriginator2onsite_logUser that originated the T&E log    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_case_onsite2casecase_onsite2casenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_detail_onsite2demand_dtldetail_onsite2demand_dtlnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_disfe_onsit2disptchfedisfe_onsit2disptchfenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_onsite_doer2employeeonsite_doer2employeenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_onsite_owner2useronsite_owner2usernonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_subc_onsite2subcasesubc_onsite2subcasenonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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