Table Name:e_addr
Table Number:427
Group:Customer Mgr
Description:Electronic address object, contains addressing for phones, pagers, email, etc
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
access_numCHARvarchar 20  Used to store any additional number needed to complete an address after the initial connection is made; e.g., voice mail box number, telephone extension number, etc  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
e_numCHARvarchar 255  Full electonic address number; e.g., phone number including country code (if needed) and area code, email number, pager number. This is the addressable number Search (4)
e_subtypeLONGsmallint   DIRECT Subtype of electronic address within type; e.g., if type=1, subtypes are SMTP, Microsoft, Lotus Notes, Internet, and so on. Reserved; future  
e_typeLONGsmallint   DIRECT Type of electronic address; i.e., 0=reserved, 1=e-mail, 2=phone, 3=fax, 4-9999 (Reserved) Search (3)
modify_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime46   Date and time when object was last saved  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (4)
subtypeCHARvarchar 20  Kind of electronic address within type; e.g., if type is email, subtypes are SMTP, Microsoft, Lotus Notes, Internet, and so on. This is a user-defined pop up. Reserved; not used  
typeCHARvarchar 20  Customer-defined type of electronic address; e.g., email, pager, phone, fax, web, etc. This is a user-defined pop up. Reserved; not used  
useageCHARvarchar 30  Use of the electronic address; e.g., primary phone, alternate phone, primary fax, and so on  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
primary_e_addr2blg_argmntOTMblg_argmntprimary_blg_argmnt2e_addrPrimary billing arrangement for an email address    
eaddr2bus_orgMTObus_orgbus_org2e_addrBusiness organization which owns the address   Search (1)
eaddr2contactMTOcontactcontact2e_addrContact who owns the address   Search (1)
e_addr2e_addr_ba_roleOTMe_addr_ba_rolee_addr_ba_role2e_addrBilling Arrangement roles for e-addr    
eaddr2edr_com_roleOTMedr_com_roleedr_role2e_addrElectronic address which owns the address    
eaddr2employeeMTOemployeeemployee2e_addrEmployee who owns the address    
eaddr2siteMTOsitesite2e_addrSite which owns the address    
eaddr2site_partMTOsite_partpart2e_addrInstalled part which owns the address    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_eaddr2bus_orgeaddr2bus_org, objidnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
ind_eaddr2contacteaddr2contact, objidnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
ind_eaddr2employeeeaddr2employee, objidnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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