Table Name:contr_schedule
Table Number:5051
Group:Sales Mgr
Description:Contract or quote schedule object
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
bill_attnCHARvarchar 30  First name of the person billing will be directed to  
bill_attn2CHARvarchar 40  Last name of the person billing will be directed to  
bill_groupCHARvarchar 30  Billing group. This is from a user-defined popup list with default name BILLING_GROUP Search (1)
bill_optionLONGtinyint   DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD Billing option; i.e., 0=in advance, 1=in arrears Search (1)
close_crdt_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates whether or not to issue credit upon premature close; i.e., 0=no, 1=yes, default=0 Search (1)
close_eff_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD If the schedule is prematurely closed, the date when the close becomes effective Search (2)
cycle_chg_indLONGtinyint   DIRECT Billing cycle change indicator; i.e., 0=not changed, 1=changed. Used to signal that the schedule needs to be re-amortized  
cycle_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The starting date of the billing cycle. Used with schedule frequency to calculate the periodic 'as of' billing dates  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
due_offsetLONGint   DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD The number of days in advance of the expected payment date that determines the invoice date Search (1)
fobCHARvarchar 40  Identifies the FOB for the schedule. This is a user-defined popup with default name FOB Search (1)
frequencyLONGtinyint   DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD Frequency of the billing: i.e., 0=annual, 1=semi-annual, 2=quarterly, 3=monthly, 4=one-time, default=0 Search (2)
fsvc_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The earliest service end date among all contr_itm related to the schedule  
fsvc_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The earliest service start date among all contr_itm related to the schedule  
gross_line_prDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Sum of all related line item gross prices Search (1)
handling_costDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The sum of all handling costs for the schedule  
invc_termsCHARvarchar 80  Billing terms to appear on the invoice Search (1)
item_countLONGint   DIRECT The number of lines in the schedule, parent and child included  
itm_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The latest contr_itm.chg_end_dt among all contr_itm related to the schedule Search (1)
itm_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The earliest contr_itm.chg_start_dt among all contr_itm related to the schedule Search (1)
last_p_line_noLONGint   DIRECT Value of p_line_no assigned to the last related contr_itm  
last_updateCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_DATE Date time of last update to the schedule/quote Search (1)
last_xferCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date time of last transfer to trans_record Search (1)
lsvc_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The latest service end date among all contr_itm related to the schedule  
net_line_prDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Sum of all related line item net prices Search (1)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (13)
sched_adj_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Net of amount of schedule-level adjustments Search (1)
sched_net_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY Net_line_pr adjusted by Sched_adj_amt Search (1)
sched_tax_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Tax amount applied to the schedule Search (1)
sched_tax_pctDECIMALdecimal (19,4)    Tax percentage applied to the schedule Search (1)
schedule_idCHARvarchar440  Unique-within contract/order/quote object identifier Search (8)
schedule_titleCHARvarchar 80  Contract schedule short description Search (2)
ship_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The sum of all shipping charges applied to the schedule  
ship_attnCHARvarchar 30  First name of the person shipment will be directed to  
ship_attn2CHARvarchar 40  Last name of the person shipment will be directed to  
ship_viaCHARvarchar 80  Requested means of shipment. This is from a Clarify-defined popup list with default name SHIP_VIA  
start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The start date of the billing Search (1)
total_grandDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY Sum of the sched_net_amt, sched_tax_amt, ship_amt, and handling_cost fields on the schedule. It represents the sum total of all charges, surcharges, and discounts of the contr_schedule. Used where contract.struct_type=2  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
bill_addr2addressMTOaddressbill_addr2contr_scheduleIdentifies the billing address for the contract schedule    
ship_addr2addressMTOaddressship_addr2contr_scheduleIdentifies the shipping address for the contract schedule    
schedule2amort_dtlOTMamort_dtldetail2contr_scheduleIdentifies the default price schedule for the contract schedule    
schedule2bill_itmOTMbill_itmbill_itm2contr_scheduleNon-recurring billing instructions for the schedule    
schedule2con_csc_roleOTMcon_csc_rolecon_role2contr_scheduleContact roles for the schedule    
schedule2contr_itmOTMcontr_itmcontr_itm2contr_scheduleLine items belonging to the schedule    
schedule2contr_prOTMcontr_prcontr_pr2contr_scheduleSchedule-level price adjustments for the contract    
schedule2contractMTOcontractcontract2contr_scheduleContract/quote to which the schedule belongs   Search (9)
schedule2demand_hdrOTOFdemand_hdrreqst2contr_scheduleRelated parts request. Available for custom use for eOrder fulfillment. Reserved    
schedule2N_JobSummaryOTOFN_JobSummaryN_JobSummary2scheduleConfigurator version of the schedule    
schedule2period_amtOTMperiod_amtperiod2contr_scheduleRelated billing period schedule-level amount    
default_prog2price_progMTOprice_progprice_prog2contr_scheduleIdentifies the default price schedule for the contract schedule   Search (2)
schedule2purchase_ordOTMpurchase_ordpayment2contr_schedulePayment methods used by the schedule    
schedule2sit_csc_roleOTMsit_csc_rolesit_role2contr_scheduleSite roles for the schedule    
ship_to2siteMTOsiteship_site2contr_scheduleIdentifies the ship-to site for the schedule    
bill_to2siteMTOsitebill_site2contr_scheduleIdentifies the bill-to site for the schedule   Search (2)
sched2trans_recordOTMtrans_recordtr2contr_scheduleReserved; not used    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_bill_to2sitebill_to2sitenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_fsvc_start_dtfsvc_start_dt, lsvc_end_dtnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_last_updatelast_updatenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_schedule2contractschedule2contractnonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
sched_indexschedule_id, schedule2contractnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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