Table Name:period_amt
Table Number:5056
Group:Sales Mgr
Description:Represents billing records for a contract schedule or a single parent line item for a specific billing period
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
appl_idCHARvarchar 20  Clarify application identifier Search (3)
arch_indLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL When set to 1, indicates the object is ready for purge/archive Search (3)
bill_groupCHARvarchar 30  Reserved; future Search (3)
bill_optionLONGtinyint   DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD Billing option; i.e., 1=in advance, 2=in arrears Search (3)
bill_prd_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CURRENCY The amount billed Search (3)
bill_to_site_idCHARvarchar 80  Site ID of bill to site for the contract Search (3)
chg_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The last date through which charges accrue Search (3)
chg_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The date from which charges start to accrue Search (3)
contr_itm_objidLONGint   DIRECT Contract_itm internal record number Search (1)
contract_idCHARvarchar 80  Contract that is referred to by the requester. This is the contract or other type of agreement under requestor claims entitlement Search (3)
cov_site_idCHARvarchar 80  Used for parent line items not schedules. Site ID of the site covered by the line item Search (3)
create_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date time the object was created Search (3)
currencyCHARvarchar220  Name of the currency Search (3)
cycle_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_FIELD The starting date of the billing cycle. Used with schedule frequency to calculate the periodic 'as of' billing dates Search (3)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
due_offsetLONGint   DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD The number of days in advance of the expected payment date that determines the invoice date Search (3)
extract_trk_idCHARvarchar 20  Identifier used to track the period amount object Search (3)
extracted_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date the item was extracted from the contract Search (3)
first_bill_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date time billing started Search (3)
frequencyLONGtinyint   DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD Frequency of the billing: i.e., 0=annual, 1=semi-annual,2=quarterly,3=monthly,4=one-time, default=0 Search (3)
gross_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   ALLOW_NULL, CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY Contains the value of the contract line item (parent or child) or contract schedule before any adjustments (discounts/surcharges) were applied  
gross_prd_amtDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY Contains the value of the parent line item/contract schedule before any adjustments (discounts/surcharges) were applied; does include adjustments that were applied to child line items if any Search (3)
invoice_noCHARvarchar 30  Contract invoice number Search (2)
item_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The ending date for the line item Search (3)
item_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The starting date for the contract line item Search (3)
last_gen_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date time that the object was generated. This corresponds to a run of the aggregator function Search (3)
last_updateCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_DATE Date time of last update to the corresponding contract item Search (3)
line_noLONGsmallint  DIRECT, CHANGE_FIELD Sequential line number of parent lines. For child lines,=parent's p_line_no Search (3)
net_prcDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY The price after all adjustments (price factors) have been applied Search (3)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (3)
org_idCHARvarchar 40  User-specified ID number of the organization Search (3)
part_numberCHARvarchar 30  Part number/name Search (3)
pay_due_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date when payment is due; usually equals either prd_start_dt or prd_end_dt Search (3)
po_idCHARvarchar 60  The unique purchase order ID Search (3)
prd_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The last date of the current billing period Search (3)
prd_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The start date of the current billing period Search (3)
pro_prcDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   CHANGE_FIELD, CURRENCY The prorated price of the item Search (3)
quantityLONGint   DIRECT Contracted/Quoted quantity of the part Search (3)
rec_typeLONGtinyint   DIRECT Type of detail record: i.e., 0=invoice,1=credit memo,2=debit memo Search (3)
ref_end_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The last date of the reference billing period Search (3)
ref_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    The start date of the reference billing period Search (3)
schedule_idCHARvarchar 40  Contract schedule ID number Search (3)
schedule_titleCHARvarchar 80  Contract schedule short description Search (3)
serial_noCHARvarchar 30  Installed part serial number Search (3)
statusLONGtinyint   DIRECT Status of the record: i.e., 0 Created, 1 Accepted, 2 Temporary Hold, 3 Permanent Hold, 4 Exported Search (3)
status_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date time of last status change of the corresponding contract item Search (3)
svc_end_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    The ending date for the line item Search (3)
svc_start_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    The starting date for the line item Search (3)
unit_measureCHARvarchar 8  Unit of measure for part number; e.g., roll, set, etc Search (3)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
period_amt2amort_dtlOTMamort_dtlamort_dtl2period_amtRelated billing components    
period2contr_itmMTOcontr_itmcontr_itm2period_amtRelated contract items   Search (1)
period2contr_scheduleMTOcontr_scheduleschedule2period_amtRelated contract schedule   Search (2)
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_period2contr_scheduleperiod2contr_schedule, line_nononclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
p2ci5056period2contr_itmnonclustered located on PRIMARY
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