Table Name:exchange
Table Number:5140
Group:Exchange Mgr
Description:Represents the exchange of a request for service between service provider and service requestor
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
a_hrs_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Customer OK to repair the service outside of normal business hours; i.e., 0=no, 1=yes, default=0  
ack_actionLONGtinyint   DIRECT Describes the acknowledgment action; i.e., 0=reject, 1=accept  
ack_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates acknowledgment of the problem submission; i.e., 0=no acknowledgement 1=acknowleged, default=0  
ack_reasonLONGtinyint  DIRECT Describes the acknowledgment sub status; i.e., 0=OK, 1=no contract, 2=contract expired, 3=product not covered; 4=site not covered, 5=product not found, default=0  
ack_stateLONGtinyint  DIRECT Describes the acknowledgment status; i.e., 0=no acknowledgement required, 1=service requested, 2=problem submitted, 3=closure submitted, default=0  
auth_act_typeLONGint  DIRECT Currently authorized activities, which is a bitstring with positions:0=after hrs repair; 1=standby; 2=after hrs standby; 3=test; 4=manager initiated; 5=distatched; 6=no-access; 7=delayed maintenance; 8=release  
cancel_req_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates whether the manager has initiated the process to cancel a trouble report; i.e, 0=no, 1=yes, default=0  
close_out_verifLONGtinyint  DIRECT Whether the manager has verified repair completion, denied repair completion or take no action; i.e., 0=no action, 1=denied repair, 2=verified repair, default=0  
cmt_date_typeLONGtinyint  DIRECT Code giving the type of time committed by the Provider; i.e., 0=unspecified; 1=cleared time, 2=onsite_time, default=0  
commit_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Provider's committed completion date and time  
confirm_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates confirmation of close for the problem submission; i.e., 0=not confirmed 1=confimed, default=0  
contract_idCHARvarchar 40  Contract ID number from display/edit field. Does not supersede relation to contract object  
create_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date and time the object was created  
current_stateLONGsmallint   DIRECT Reflects the current state of the distributed object in my virtual machine. Map data exchange protocol state values to codes Search (1)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
dist_modeLONGtinyint   DIRECT The distribution mode; i.e., 0=unknown, 1=transfer, 2=collaborative  
dist_roleLONGtinyint   DIRECT Indicates role in the distribution of the object; i.e., 0=initiator, 1=recipient Search (1)
entitle_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates entitlement for service of the problem submission; i.e., 0=no entitlement 1=entitled, default=0. This is the internal entitlement state  
exchange_idCHARvarchar 255  System-generated unique identifier of the exchange  
init_modeLONGsmallint  DIRECT Mode of initiation of the trouble report; i.e., 0=managerDirect, 1=managerIndirect, 2=agentOriginated, 4=managerIndirectEMail, 5=managerIndirectFax, 6=managerIndirectPersonal, 7=managerIndirectPhone, default=0  
lack_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates whether information from requestor is lacking; i.e., 0=not lacking 1=is lacking, default=0  
m_org_ct_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date and time at which the maintenance organization was contacted by the agent and requested to repair the trouble  
m_svc_chg_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates, once determined, whether the customer will be charged for the maintence; i.e., 0=no or not yet determined, 1=yes, default=0  
modify_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date and time the object was last modified  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (2)
onsite_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Used for requesting onsite time  
onsite_req_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Used for requesting onsite time  
outage_durLONGint  DIRECT Derived. The amount of time between when the trouble was cleared when it was received excluding any times for delayed maintenance. Stored in seconds  
prfd_priorityLONGsmallint  DIRECT X790--manager's prefered priority for the trouble; i.e., 0=undefined, 1=minor, 2=major, 3=serious, default=0  
priorityLONGtinyint  DIRECT Local priority of the exchanged incident. Default=1  
prob_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates if a problem has been submitted; 0=no, 1=yes, default=0  
productCHARvarchar 255  Customer-defined popup with default name Exchange Product supplies the exchanged product  
received_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date and time when a trouble report was entered  
ref_idCHARvarchar 255  Identifier of the exchange partner's corresponding object Search (1)
ref_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates that the this is the reference exchange for defining default contacts/person reaches for any future exchange on the case; i.e., 0=no, 1=yes, default=0  
repeat_reportLONGtinyint  DIRECT Code giving previous actions/history on the service; i.e.,0=unspecified, 1=recent installation, 2=repeat, 3=both installation and repeat, 4=chronic, 5=both instalation and chronic  
req_act_typeLONGint  DIRECT Currently requested authorized activities, which is a bitstring with positions:0=after hrs repair; 1=standby; 2=after hrs standby; 3=test; 4=manager initiated; 5=distatched; 6=no-access; 7=delayed maintenance; 8=release  
req_date_typeLONGtinyint  DIRECT The type of time the request_date/commit_date field is representing; i.e., 0=unspecified; 1=cleared time, 2=onsite_time, default=0  
request_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Requestor's desired completion date and time  
requestor_severityLONGtinyint  DIRECT The severity of the problem as defined by the requester; Values must be in the range 1-5 with 1 being most sever. Default=1  
response_timeCHARvarchar 30  Promised/desired response time to the customer  
restore_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date and time that the trouble was cleared. This may be different than the time that the clear event is exchanged  
rpt_emailCHARvarchar 80  Original e-mail address  
rpt_faxCHARvarchar 20  Original reporting site fax number which includes area code, number and extension  
rpt_firstCHARvarchar 30  Original reporting site contact. Contact's first name  
rpt_lastCHARvarchar 30  Original reporting site contact. Contact's last name  
rpt_phoneCHARvarchar 20  Original reporting site phone which includes area code, number and extension  
status_windowLONGint  DIRECT States the maximum interval allowed (in seconds) between the Agent's notifications of progress  
trouble_foundLONGsmallint  DIRECT X790--the actual cause of the trouble found; i.e., 0=pending, 1=cameClear, 2=centralOffice, 3=serious, default=0  
trouble_typeLONGsmallint  DIRECT X790--the category of trouble that is being reported on a CNM Service or managed object; e.g., 100=noDialToneGroup, 101=noDialTone, etc., default=0  
tsp_priorityLONGsmallint  DIRECT Government defined Telecommunication Service Priority codes  
wait_indLONGtinyint  DIRECT Indicates waiting for confirmation of close for the problem submission; i.e., 0=not waiting 1=waiting, default=0  
workflow_statusCHARvarchar 30  What the status of this incident is according to the workflow  
xref_emailCHARvarchar 80  Email address of the current user/owner working on the exchange case in the partner's system Search (1)
xref_faxCHARvarchar 20  Fax number of the current user/owner working on the exchange case in the partner's system which includes area code, number and extension  
xref_firstCHARvarchar 30  First name of the current owner working on the exchange case in the partner's system Search (1)
xref_lastCHARvarchar 30  Last name of the current owner working on the exchange case in the partner's system Search (1)
xref_phoneCHARvarchar 20  Phone number of the current user/owner working on the exchange case in the partner's system which includes area code, number and extension Search (1)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
exchange2act_entryOTMact_entryact_entry2exchangeRelated internal events    
exchange2biz_cal_hdrOTMbiz_cal_hdrbiz_cal_hdr2exchangeAccess hours for the part the exchange is about    
exchange2caseMTOcasecase2exchangeCase relating to the exchange    
exchange2close_exchOTMclose_exchclose2exchangeClosing summaries for the exchange    
last_close2close_exchOTOPclose_exchlast_close2exchangeMost recent closing summary for the exchange    
exchange2contractMTOcontractcontract2exchangeContract used for exchange entitlement    
exchange2exc_bch_roleOTMexc_bch_roleexc_bch_role2exchangeBusiness calendar header roles for the exchange    
exchange2exc_con_roleOTMexc_con_roleexc_con_role2exchangeContact roles for the exchange    
exchange2exc_sit_roleOTMexc_sit_roleexc_sit_role2exchangeSite roles for the exchange    
exchange2exc_usr_roleOTMexc_usr_roleexc_usr_role2exchangeUser roles for the exchange    
exchange2exch_logOTMexch_logexch_log2exchangeRelated exchange events    
exchange2onsite_logOTMonsite_logonsite_log2exchangeRelated onsite_log    
partner2siteMTOsitepartner2exchangeThe exchange partner's site   Search (1)
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
exch_indexpartner2site, ref_id, exchange2casenonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
ind_commit_datecommit_date, request_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_exchange_idexchange_idnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_ref_idref_idnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_request_daterequest_date, commit_datenonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
Referenced in Views:
View IDView NameTables
5161exch_alst act_entry, exch_log, exchange, gbst_elm, user
5199exch_site_v exchange, site
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