View Name:parts_view
View Number:240
Description:Part information used by form Picked Parts (552), Inventory Parts Search (555)


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
objidpart_instobjidPart internal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
location_idinv_locatnobjidInventory location internal record number 
location_nameinv_locatnlocation_nameFor physical inventory locations, the name of the location. For GL accounts, the account number 
bin_idinv_binobjidInventory bin internal record number 
part_num_idmod_levelobjidPart revision internal record number 
part_numberpart_numpart_numberPart number/name 
part_name_idpart_numobjidPart number internal record number 
part_descrpart_numdescriptionMaps to sales and mfg systems 
part_good_qtypart_instpart_good_qtyFor parts tracked by quantity, the quantity usable 
part_bad_qtypart_instpart_bad_qtyFor parts tracked by quantity, the quantity not usable 
part_serial_nopart_instpart_serial_noFor parts tracked by serial number, the part serial number 
bin_nameinv_binbin_nameUnique name of the inventory bin within an inventory location 
mod_levelmod_levelmod_levelName of part revision 
locdescinv_locatnlocation_descrDescription of the inventory location or GL account 
good_res_qtypart_instgood_res_qtyFor parts tracked by quantity, the good quantity reserved 
bad_res_qtypart_instbad_res_qtyFor parts tracked by quantity, the bad quantity reserved 
inv_classinv_locatninv_classPart location; i.e., 0=inventory location, 1=capital GL account, 2=expense GL account 
pick_requestpart_instpick_requestThe part request number for the request that has currently picked the part 
last_trans_timepart_instlast_trans_timeDate and time of the last transaction against the part 
part_statuspart_instpart_statusStatus of the part 
trans_authinv_locatntrans_authStates the type of transactions authorized for the inventory location; i.e., 0=All, 1=None, 2=Authorized Parts only. An authorized part is one for which there is a part_auth object 
sn_trackpart_numsn_trackTrack part for serialization; i.e., 0=by quantity, 1=by serial number 
hdr_indpart_insthdr_indWhether the part instance is a header which tracks a group of serial numbered part instances; i.e., 0=not a header instance, 1=is a header instance, default=0 
fixed_bin_nameinv_binfixed_bin_nameFor containers, the name of the fixed bin within which the container resides, for fixed bins this field is blank, default=' ' 
container_idinv_binid_numberFor containers, the ID of the container, for fixed bins this field is blank, default=' ' 
opened_indinv_binopened_indIndicates whether the bin allows parts to be moved in/out or not; i.e, 0=no, it s sealed, 1=yes it is opened, default=1 
activeinv_binactiveIndicates whether the bin is in use; i.e., 0=inactive, 1=active, default=1 


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