View Name:locbin_view
View Number:408
Description:Used by the Select GL Accounts and Locations form (524), Mass Part Transfer (531), Upgrade Item (8407), Transact Material (8408), Depot Repair: De-Bundle (8422) and De-Manufacturing (8424)


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
loc_objidinv_locatnobjidInventory location internal record number 
location_nameinv_locatnlocation_nameFor physical inventory locations, the name of the location. For GL accounts, the account number 
location_descrinv_locatnlocation_descrDescription of the inventory location or GL account 
location_typeinv_locatnlocation_typeUser-defined types of physical inventory location 
reports_to_locinv_locatnreports_to_locThe parent inventory location name or, if GL account, the parent GL account number 
role_nameinv_rolerole_nameName of the inventory role 
gl_acct_noinv_locatngl_acct_noIf the current object is a physical location, the GL account number. If a GL account, the field is either empty, or contains the parent GL account number 
inv_classinv_locatninv_class0=inventory location, 1=capital GL account, 2=expense GL account 
loc_typeinv_binlocation_nameFor display only of the inventory location type 
bin_nameinv_binbin_nameUnique name of the inventory bin within an inventory location 
bin_objidinv_binobjidInventory bin internal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
activeinv_binactiveIndicates whether the bin is in use; i.e., 0=inactive, 1=active, default=1 
id_numberinv_binid_numberUnique bin number assigned according to auto-numbering definition 
opened_indinv_binopened_indIndicates whether the bin allows parts to be moved in/out or not; i.e, 0=no, it s sealed, 1=yes it is opened, default=1 
fixed_indinv_binfixed_indIndicates whether the bin is movable or not; i.e., 0=no it is fixed, 1=yes, it is moveable, default=0 
bin_typeinv_binbin_typeUser-defined type of bins; i.e., 0=fixed bin, 1=container, 2=pallet, default=0 
fixed_bin_nameinv_binfixed_bin_nameFor containers, the name of the fixed bin within which the container resides, for fixed bins this field is blank, default=' ' 
loc_activeinv_locatnactiveIndicates whether the inventory location is active; i.e., 0=inactive, 1=active, default=1 


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