View Name:sub_preview
View Number:5047
Group:Task Mgr
Description:Used to display subcase info, owner info, and gbst_elm data for preview and modify in Subcase Preview and Modify form (8240)


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
objidsubcaseobjidSubcase internal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
id_numbersubcaseid_numberSubcase ID 
titlesubcasetitleTitle of the subcase 
descriptionsubcasedescriptionNotes about the task 
required_datesubcaserequired_dateRequired date of the subcase 
elapsed_timesubcaseelapsed_timeElapsed time of the subcase 
warning_timesubcasewarning_timeDate and time of commitment warning of the subcase 
activesubcasedistIf the subcase is active 
sub_typesubcasesub_typeSubcase type 
statusgbst_stat(gbst_elm)titleStatus of the subcase 
prioritygbst_pri(gbst_elm)titlePriority of the subcase 
severitygbst_svri(gbst_elm)titleSeverity of the subcase 
login_nameuserlogin_nameLogin name of the user 
user_objiduserobjidUser-owner internal record number 
mandatory_indcls_factorymandatory_indIndicates whether the task when previewed for a process instance, must be generated; 0=not mandatory, 1=mandatory, default=0 


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