View Name:contrconsite
View Number:5193
Group:Customer Mgr
Description:Used internally to assemble contact information


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
objidcontact_roleobjidContact role internal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
con_objidcontactobjidContact internal record number 
loc_objidsiteobjidSite internal record number 
addr_objidaddressobjidAddress internal record number 
first_namecontactfirst_nameContact first name 15
last_namecontactlast_nameContact last name 14
phonecontactphoneContact phone number which includes area code, number, and extension 
hourscontacthoursContact business working hours 
role_namecontact_rolerole_nameRole name of contact 
primary_sitecontact_roleprimary_siteIndicates the site where the contact is located 
sitesitenameSite name 
site_idsitesite_idSite ID number assigned according to auto-numbering definition 
site_typesitetypeMnemonic representation of the integer site type field 
spec_considsitespec_considCheck box which, when checked, specifies that site information is to be displayed automatically when new case is created 
country_codecountrycodeCountry code used in telephone numbers for that country 
addressaddressaddressLine 1 of address which includes street number, street name, office, building, or suite number, etc 
cityaddresscityThe city for the specified address 
stateaddressstateThe state for the specified address 
countrycountrynameName of the specific country 
zipcodeaddresszipcodeThe zip or other postal code for the specified address 
expertise_levcontactexpertise_levExpertise level of the contact 
fax_numbercontactfax_numberContact fax number which includes area code, number, and extension 
e_mailcontacte_mailContact e-mail address 
mail_stopcontactmail_stopContact internal company mail stop/location/building 
titlecontacttitleContact professional title 
regionsiteregionSite region 
districtsitedistrictSite district 
notessitenotesSite notes used with special consideration flag 
site_typestsitesite_typeMnemonic representation of the integer site type field 
address_2addressaddress_2Line 2 of address which typically includes office, building, or suite number, etc 
statuscontactstatusStatus of contact; i.e., active/inactive/obsolete 
site_alertsitealert_indWhen set to 1, indicates there is an alert related to the site 
cnct_alertcontactalert_indWhen set to 1, indicates there is an alert related to the contact 
contr_idcontractidContract ID 


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