View Name:ccc_rundsply
View Number:5217
Group:Script Mgr
Description:Used internally to select script run information


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
objidscr_runobjidScr_run internal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
create_datescr_runcreate_dateThe create date and time of the scr_run object 
end_timescr_runend_timeEnding date and time of the call script run 
node_keyscr_runnode_keyThe sequence of objid of the script runs within a single user session 
resultscr_runresultResult of the script: e.g., was it completed, abandoned, and why? 
scorescr_runscoreTotal score attained during the run of the call script 
start_timescr_runstart_timeStarting date and time of the call script run 
titlescr_runtitleName of the script that was run 
o_typescr_runtitleThis field is used to display the object type which initiated the script run 
bug_relbugobjidBug internal record number 
borg_relbus_orgobjidBus_org internal record number 
camp_relcampaignobjidCampaign internal record number 
case_relcaseobjidCase internal record number 
contact_relcontactobjidContact internal record number 
contract_relcontractobjidContract internal record number 
contritm_relcontr_itmobjidContr_itm internal record number 
demdtl_reldemand_dtlobjidDemand_dtl internal record number 
empl_relemployeeobjidEmployee internal record number 
lsrce_rellead_sourceobjidLead_source internal record number 
opp_relopportunityobjidOpportunity internal record number 
probd_relprobdescobjidProbdesc internal record number 
site_relsiteobjidSite internal record number 
sitep_relsite_partobjidSite_part internal record number 
subcase_relsubcaseobjidSubcase internal record number 
task_reltaskobjidTask internal record number 


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