SQL View Name:list_select_dfe
SQL View Number:6037
Base Table:disptchfe
Description:Used to list all field engineer dispatches associated with a selected case/subcase


Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsComment
case_objidLONGint   DIRECT Internal record number of case 
case_owner_objidLONGint   DIRECT Internal record number of user 
case_statusCHARvarchar 80  Title of condition for case 
descriptionCHARvarchar 255  Task description 
durationLONGint   DIRECT Expected/actual amount of time to complete the task in seconds 
engineer_etaCLK_TIMEdatetime    Proposed date/time of scheduled appointment or commitment 
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number of disptchfe 
scheduled_fromCLK_TIMEdatetime    Requested date and time of field engineer's arrival at dispatch site 
subc_objidLONGint   DIRECT Internal record number of subcase 
subc_owner_objidLONGint   DIRECT Internal record number of user 
subc_statusCHARvarchar 80  Title of condition for subcase 
t_e_statusCHARvarchar 30  Resolution code for T&E log. From user-defined pop up with default name RESOLUTION_CODE 
work_orderCHARvarchar 80  Work order number entered by the user 


select a.objid as objid, a.disptchfe2case as case_objid, 0 as subc_objid, a.work_order as work_order, a.description as description,
a.requested_eta as scheduled_from, a.duration as duration, a.appointment as engineer_eta,
b.resolution as t_e_status, c.case_owner2user as case_owner_objid, d.title as case_status,
0 as subc_owner_objid, '0' as subc_status
from table_disptchfe a, table_onsite_log b, table_case c, table_condition d
where c.objid = a.disptchfe2case and b.disfe_onsit2disptchfe = a.objid and b.creation_time =
(select max(creation_time) from table_onsite_log where disfe_onsit2disptchfe=a.objid) and c.case_state2condition = d.objid
select a.objid as objid, a.disptchfe2case as case_objid, 0 as subc_objid, a.work_order as work_order, a.description as description,
a.requested_eta as scheduled_from, a.duration as duration, a.appointment as engineer_eta,
b.elm_title as t_e_status, c.case_owner2user as case_owner_objid, d.title as case_status,
0 as subc_owner_objid, '0' as subc_status
from table_disptchfe a, table_hgsl2hgse b, table_case c, table_condition d
where c.objid = a.disptchfe2case and a.objid not in (select disfe_onsit2disptchfe from table_onsite_log where disfe_onsit2disptchfe IS NOT NULL)
and c.case_state2condition = d.objid and b.lst_title='TELOG_STATUS' and b.elm_rank=0
select a.objid as objid, 0 as case_objid, a.disptchfe2subcase as subc_objid, a.work_order as work_order, a.description as description,
a.requested_eta as scheduled_from, a.duration as duration, a.appointment as engineer_eta,
b.resolution as t_e_status, 0 as case_owner_objid, '0' as case_status,
c.subc_owner2user as subc_owner_objid, d.title as subc_status
from table_disptchfe a, table_onsite_log b, table_subcase c, table_condition d
where c.objid = a.disptchfe2subcase and b.disfe_onsit2disptchfe = a.objid and b.creation_time =
(select max(creation_time) from table_onsite_log where disfe_onsit2disptchfe=a.objid) and c.subc_state2condition = d.objid
select a.objid as objid, 0 as case_objid, a.disptchfe2subcase as subc_objid, a.work_order as work_order, a.description as description,
a.requested_eta as scheduled_from, a.duration as duration, a.appointment as engineer_eta,
b.elm_title as t_e_status, 0 as case_owner_objid, '0' as case_status,
c.subc_owner2user as subc_owner_objid, d.title as subc_status
from table_disptchfe a, table_hgsl2hgse b, table_subcase c, table_condition d
where c.objid = a.disptchfe2subcase and a.objid not in (select disfe_onsit2disptchfe from table_onsite_log where disfe_onsit2disptchfe IS NOT NULL)
and c.subc_state2condition = d.objid and b.lst_title='TELOG_STATUS' and b.elm_rank=0
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