Table Name:employee
Table Number:44
Group:Resource Mgr
Description:Employee object; generally a ClearSupport user
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
acting_supvrLONGint   DIRECT Indicates if the employee is an acting supervisor Search (2)
after_biz_highCHARvarchar 32  High urgency notify method after business hours Search (1)
after_biz_lowCHARvarchar 32  Low urgency notify method after business hours Search (1)
after_biz_midCHARvarchar 32  Medium urgency notify method after business hours Search (1)
allow_proxyLONGint   DIRECT Indicates if the employee can allow another employee to switch to Search (2)
alt_phoneCHARvarchar 20  Employee's alternate phone number which includes area code, number, and extension  
avail_noteCHARvarchar 255  Reserved; indicates reason for employee unavailability; was used in the availability command; no longer supported Search (2)
availableLONGint  DIRECT Reserved; indicates employee's availability; was used in the availability command; no longer supported Search (2)
beeperCHARvarchar 20  Employee's beeper number which includes area code and number Search (6)
case_thresholdLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; custom. Highest number of open cases for employee for workload monitoring  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
e_mailCHARvarchar 80  Employee's e-mail address Search (8)
employee_noCHARvarchar 8  Employee's ID number Search (2)
faxCHARvarchar 20  Employee's fax number which includes area code, number, and extension Search (7)
field_engLONGint   DIRECT Indicates if the employee is a field engineer. Reserved; not used  
first_nameCHARvarchar1530 CHANGE_FIELD Employee first name Search (31)
labor_rateFLOATreal   CURRENCY Employee's hourly labor rate Search (2)
last_nameCHARvarchar1430 CHANGE_FIELD Employee last name Search (31)
local_loginCHARvarchar 30  Employee host login name; used for the case dial site form for remote dialups  
local_passwordCHARvarchar 30  Employee host password  
mail_stopCHARvarchar 30  Employee's internal company mail address/stop  
normal_biz_highCHARvarchar 32  High urgency notify method during business hours Search (1)
normal_biz_lowCHARvarchar 32  Low urgency notify method during business hours Search (1)
normal_biz_midCHARvarchar 32  Medium urgency notify method during business hours Search (1)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (27)
on_call_hwLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; custom. When checked, indicates employee is available to be paged for hardware calls Search (1)
on_call_swLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; custom. When checked, indicates employee is available to be paged for software calls  
phoneCHARvarchar 20  Employee's primary phone number which includes area code, number, and extension Search (13)
printerCHARvarchar 40  Employee's printer name. This is from a user-defined popup with default name DEFAULT_PRINTER Search (2)
salutationCHARvarchar 20 ALLOW_NULL A form of address; e.g., Mr., Miss, Mrs Search (2)
site_strt_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date employee began at current site<office> Search (1)
titleCHARvarchar 30 ALLOW_NULL Employee's professional title Search (2)
voice_mail_boxCHARvarchar 20  Employee voice mail box number. Reserved; not used  
wg_strt_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date employee started with current work group Search (1)
work_groupCHARvarchar 80  Work group to which employee belongs. From a user-defined pop up with default name WORKGROUP Search (5)
x_autodestCHARvarchar 20 USER_DEFINED Auto Destination Preference  
x_modify_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime   CHANGE_DATE, USER_DEFINED The date and time when change fields were last updated Search (1)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
employee2act_entryOTMact_entryact_entry2employeeActivity log entries for activities performed on employee record; changes to work group or site    
empl_hrs2biz_cal_hdrOTOPbiz_cal_hdrbiz_cal_hdr2empl_hrsEmployee's business hours    
cc_list2bugMTObugbug_cc_list2employeeChange requests that employee is cc'd on. Reserved; obsolete    
empl2bus_empl_roleOTMbus_empl_rolebus_empl_role2employeeEmployee roles for the business organization. Reserved    
creator2caseOTMcasecase_empl2employeeCases created by employee. Reserved; obsolete    
closer2close_caseOTMclose_casecloser2employeeClose case records <activities> performed by employee    
intcontact2commit_logOTMcommit_logcommit_empl2employeeReserved; not used    
solver2commit_logOTMcommit_logcmit_solver2employeeRelated commitments    
employee2contactOTOPcontactcontact2employeeFor employees that are contacts, the related contact. Reserved; not used    
employee2e_addrOTMe_addreaddr2employeeElectronic addresses owned by the employee    
employee2email_logOTMemail_logemail_log2employee USER_DEFINED   
empl2emp_ter_roleOTMemp_ter_roleemp_ter_role2employeeEmployee roles for sales territories. Reserved; obsolete. Replaced by usr_ter_role    
emp_supvr2employeeMTOemployeesupvr2employeeEmployee's supervisor    
supvr2employeeOTMemployeeemp_supvr2employeeEmployees supervised by the employee    
employee2onsite_doerOTMonsite_logonsite_doer2employeeTime & Expense Logs performed by the employee    
empl2personOTOFpersonperson2employeeRelated person object    
intcontact2phone_logOTMphone_logphone_empl2employeePhone logs intitiated by the employee    
creator2probdescMTMprobdescprobdesc_emp2employeeSolutions created by the employee  mtm_probdesc10_
primary2productbinOTMproductbinproductbin2primaryProduct bins for which the employee serves as primary support    
backup2productbinOTMproductbinproductbin2backupProduct bins for which the employee serves a backup    
employee2queue_ccOTMqueue_ccqueue_cc2employeeReserved; obsolete    
employee2scheduleOTMscheduleschedule2employeeRelated employee schedule    
employee2scr_runOTMscr_runscr_run2employeeScript runs initiated by the employee    
supp_person_off2siteMTOsitesupport_off2employeeEmployee's office site   Search (12)
supp_person2siteOTMsitesite_support2employeeSites for which the employee is the primary support person    
altsupp_person2siteOTMsitesite_altsupp2employeeSites for which the employee is the alternate support person    
primary2site_partOTMsite_partsite_part2primaryParts for which the employee is the primary support person    
backup2site_partOTMsite_partsite_part2backupParts for which the employee is the backup support person    
creator2subcaseOTMsubcasesubc_empl2employeeSubcases created by the employee    
emp_cmits2time_bombOTMtime_bombcmit_creator2employeeEmployee's commitment time bombs    
recipient2time_bombMTMtime_bombrecipient2employeeTime bombs which will be directed at the employee. Reserved  mtm_employee13_
employee2userOTOPuseruser2employeeRelation to employee's database user record   Search (34)
emp_access2wipbinMTMwipbinwipbin2employeeWIPbins to which the employee has access. Reserved  mtm_wipbin4_
empl2wgroup_superOTMworkgroupwgroup_super2emplsupervisor of Related workgroup USER_DEFINED   
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_cc_list2bugcc_list2bugnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_emp_supvr2employeeemp_supvr2employeenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_employee_last_namelast_name, first_namenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_employee_noemployee_nononclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_employee2useremployee2usernonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_first_namefirst_name, last_namenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_supp_person_off2sitesupp_person_off2sitenonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
Referenced in Views:
View IDView NameTables
55empl_user address, country, employee, site, user
113slv_contct address, country, employee, site
116cls_case_view case, condition, contact, employee, site, user, wipbin
149intactcase case, condition, employee, gbst_elm, site
166cls_sub_view case, condition, contact, employee, site, subcase, user, wipbin
167cls_dfe_view case, condition, contact, disptchfe, employee, site, user, wipbin
234com_to_template_view com_tmplte, employee, time_bomb
254acct_team bus_empl_role, bus_org, employee, site, user
298empl_view employee, site, user
359rc_user employee, rc_config, user
395employee_appt appointment, employee, schedule
396appt_empl_user address, employee, site, user
4650fc_user_case_view case, condition, contact, employee, gbst_elm, queue, site, user, wipbin, workaround
4651fc_user_subcase_view case, condition, contact, employee, gbst_elm, queue, site, subcase, user, wipbin
4652fc_user_solution_view condition, employee, probdesc, queue, user
4653fc_filter_qry_favorites employee, filter_query, filter_sub, user
5092terr_empl_view emp_ter_role, employee, territory, user
5165web_usrlst employee, privclass, user, web_user
5217ccc_rundsply bug, bus_org, campaign, case, contact, contr_itm, contract, demand_dtl, employee, lead_source, opportunity, probdesc, scr_run, site, site_part, subcase, task
5230oppempl_view cycle_stage, employee, opportunity, territory, user
5231taskempl_view employee, gbst_elm, opportunity, task, user
5348sfa_acct_tm bus_org, contact, employee, user, usr_bus_role
5349sfa_terr_tm contact, employee, territory, user, usr_ter_role
5350sfa_opp_tm contact, employee, opportunity, user, usr_opp_role
5351sfa_user_v contact, employee, user
5430N_Users address, country, employee, user
5462wap_case_info address, case, condition, contact, contract, employee, gbst_elm, queue, site, site_part, user, wipbin
5476page_class_empl employee, page_class, user
5860agent_list employee, intrxn, session, user
5863user_empl employee, user
5866employee_user employee, user
5869user_employee employee, user
5983addr_book_emp_vw employee, user
6017schdl_tracker_sub_v1 address, appointment, employee, hgsl2hgse, site, user
6018schdl_tracker_sub_v2 address, case, disptchfe, employee, hgsl2hgse, queue, site, user, wipbin
6019schdl_tracker_sub_v3 address, disptchfe, employee, hgsl2hgse, queue, site, subcase, user, wipbin
6020schdl_tracker_sub_v4 address, disptchfe, employee, hgsl2hgse, queue, site, user
6021schdl_tracker_sub_v5 address, disptchfe, employee, hgsl2hgse, queue, site, user
6022schdl_tracker_sub_v6 address, appointment, employee, hgsl2hgse, site, user
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