site_part2act_entry | OTM | act_entry | act_entry2site_part | Activity entry for installed part; installs, de-installs, etc | | | | | | |
site_part2billable_itm | OTM | billable_itm | billable_itm2site_part | Billable item is related to service/subscription (installed part) | | | | | | |
site_part2biz_cal_hdr | OTM | biz_cal_hdr | biz_cal_hdr2site_part | Access hours for the part | | | | | | |
site_part2bug | OTM | bug | instalatn2site_part | Indicates installed parts selected for change requests. Reserved | | | | | | |
selected_prd2bug | OTM | bug | bug_pid2site_part | Problem part in change request. Reserved | | | | | | |
part2bus_prt_role | OTM | bus_prt_role | bprt_role2site_part | Business organization roles for the installed part | | | | | | |
sitprtnode2case | OTM | case | case_node2site_part | Related cases using the system-level installed part | | | | | | |
selected_prd2case | OTM | case | covrd_ppi2site_part | Related cases using the part for service entitlement | | | | | | |
sitprtde2case | OTM | case | de_product2site_part | Related cases using the installed part for diagnostics | | | | | | |
site_part2case | OTM | case | case_prod2site_part | Related cases for the installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2con_sp_role | OTM | con_sp_role | con_sp_role2site_part | Contact role for installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2contact | MTM | contact | contact2site_part | Contacts for the installed part | | mtm_site_part22_ contact6 | | | | |
site_part2contr_inst | OTM | contr_inst | install_prod2site_part | Related installed products covered by a contract/quote | | | | | | |
site_part2contr_itm | OTM | contr_itm | contr_itm2site_part | Contract line item covering this part | | | | | | |
dir_sitepart2contract | MTM | contract | contract2dir_sitepart | Contracts covering the top-level installed part in a installed part hierarchy | | mtm_site_part24_ contract5 | | | | |
site_part2contract | MTM | contract | contract2site_part | Contracts covering the subordinate installed part in an installed part hierarchy. Valid only for Contract Manager | | mtm_site_part4_ contract2 | | | | |
sitprt2demand_dtl | OTM | demand_dtl | demand_dtl2site_part | Part requests related to the installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2doc_inst | OTM | doc_inst | doc_inst2site_part | Document attachments related to the installed part | | | | | | |
part2e_addr | OTM | e_addr | eaddr2site_part | Electronic addresses for the installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2primary | MTO | employee | primary2site_part | Primary employee | | | | | | |
site_part2backup | MTO | employee | backup2site_part | Backup employee | | | | | | |
site_part2extern_id | OTM | extern_id | extern_id2site_part | Several different entities in the external systems can be mapped to one installed part | | | | extern_for | clarify_type | clarify_objid |
site_part2fa_site_part | OTM | fa_site_part | fa_site_part2site_part | | | | | | | |
site_part2fr_agrmnt | MTO | fr_agrmnt | fr_agrmnt2site_part | Framework agreement covering installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2interact | OTM | interact | interact2site_part | Interactions about the installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2part_info | MTO | mod_level | part_info2site_part | Part revision of the installed part | | | Search (14) | | | |
site_part2offering | MTO | offering | offering2site_part | The offering that the installed part originated from | | | | | | |
site_part2offr_prod | MTO | offr_prod | offr_prod2site_part | Offering product originated installed part | | | | | | |
site_part_subs2order_action | OTM | order_action | order_action_subs2site_part | Order actions (subscription) affecting installed part | | | | | | |
bus_site_part2order_action | OTM | order_action | order_action_bus2site_part | The orders associated with the top account level product | | | | | | |
site_part_svc2order_action | OTM | order_action | order_action_svc2site_part | Order actions (service) affecting installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2order_line | MTO | order_line | order_line2site_part | Order line that originated an installed part | | | Search (1) | | | |
affected_order_line2site_part | OTM | order_line | affected2site_part | The orders affecting the site_part | | | | | | |
site_part2part_detail | OTOP | part_detail | part_detail2site_part | System management detail for the part | | | | | | |
part_key2part_detail | OTOF | part_detail | detail_key2site_part | System management detail for the part; used for index on part_detail | | | | | | |
site_part2part_event | OTM | part_event | part_event2site_part | Reported faults on the installed part | | | | | | |
inst_site_part2part_used | OTM | part_used | part_used2inst_site_part | Parts used transactions for the installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2part_used | OTM | part_used | part_used2site_part | Part install transactions under the current part | | | | | | |
rem_site_part2part_used | OTM | part_used | part_used2rem_site_part | Removed part used in parts used transactions | | | | | | |
part2per_prt_role | OTM | per_prt_role | pprt_role2site_part | Person roles for the installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2phone | OTM | phone | phone2site_part | If a modem is connected to part, this contains the phone information | | | | | | |
site_part2productbin | MTO | productbin | productbin2site_part | Bin in which the part resides | | | | | | |
role_for2prt_prt_role | OTM | prt_prt_role | role_for2site_part | Roles received from other intalled parts | | | | | | |
player2prt_prt_role | OTM | prt_prt_role | player2site_part | Roles played for other intalled parts | | | | | | |
site_part2prtkp_set | OTOF | prtkp_set | prtkp_set2site_part | Reserved; not used | | | | | | |
site_part2req_to_extern | OTM | req_to_extern | req_to_extern2site_part | Request can be related to a site_part (subscriber) | | | | | | |
site_part2schedule | OTM | schedule | schedule2site_part | Schedule record for service interuption data | | | | | | |
site_part2scr_run | OTM | scr_run | scr_run2site_part | Call scripts run from the installed part | | | | | | |
part2sit_prt_role | OTM | sit_prt_role | prt_role2site_part | Site roles for the installed part | | | | | | |
all_site_part2site | MTO | site | site2all_site_part | Indicates the site at which the part is installed | | | Search (8) | | | |
site_part2site | MTO | site | customer2site_part | For top-level parts in a configuration only; indicates the site at which they are located | | | Search (3) | | | |
inc2site_part | OTM | site_part | site_part2site_part | Relation to another installed part as part of part hierarchy; this is the child relation | | | | | | |
site_part2site_part | MTO | site_part | inc2site_part | Relation to another installed part as part of part hierarchy; this is the parent relation | | | | | | |
top_level2site_part | OTM | site_part | level2site_part | All site_part records in the hierarchy below this top level site_part | | | | | | |
level2site_part | MTO | site_part | top_level2site_part | A relation from every site_part to its top level site_part | | | | | | |
site_part2site_part_extern | OTM | site_part_extern | site_part_extern2site_part | External system key related to installed part | | | | | | |
site_part2sitprt_cf | OTM | sitprt_cf | prd_config2site_part | Reserved; future | | | | | | |