Table Name:bus_org
Table Number:173
Group:Sales Mgr
Description:A business entity which has roles and responsibilities that need to be tracked
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
alt_nameCHARvarchar 80  An alternate name for the organization  
alt_urlCHARvarchar 255  Alternate URL for the account. Reserved; future  
arch_indLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL When set to 1, indicates the object is ready for purge/archive  
blg_cust_typeCHARvarchar 20 ALLOW_NULL Customer billing type - as apears in the billing system Search (2)
blg_enabled_indLONGsmallint  DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Indicates billing is enabled; 0=Not enabled, 1=enabled; Default=0 Search (2)
blg_evt_gen_stsLONGint  DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Billing event status;0=No event necessary or event already sent, 1=create event pending, 2=update event pending;Default=0  
bus_nodeLONGtinyint  DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Indicates whether the bus_org is a Customer or Organizational Unit ; i.e. 0=Organizational Unit, 1=Customer Search (4)
business_descCHARvarchar 255  Describes the purpose of the organization or the business it is in Search (3)
collectn_stsCHARvarchar 20 ALLOW_NULL Collection status for a customer  
commentsCHARvarchar 255  Additional comments about the organization  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
e_mailCHARvarchar 80  Primary e-mail address of the organization  
faxCHARvarchar 20  Main fax number of the organization Search (3)
fed_tax_idCHARvarchar 40  Account's federal tax idenfification number  
is_competitorLONGtinyint  DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Indicates whether the bus_org is a competitor; i.e., 0=No, 1=Yes Search (1)
is_partnerLONGtinyint  DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Indicates whether the bus_org is a partner; i.e., 0=No, 1=Yes Search (1)
loc_typeCHARvarchar 80  Location type; e.g., headquarters, subsidiary, etc. This is a user-defined pop up  
nameCHARvarchar280  Name of the organization Search (61)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (74)
org_idCHARvarchar 40  User-specified ID number of the organization Search (40)
ownershipCHARvarchar 40  Type of ownership. This is a user-defined popup with default name Company Ownership  
phoneCHARvarchar 20  Main phone number of the organization Search (5)
productCHARvarchar 255  A high-level description of the products that the business organization sells  
revn_rangeCHARvarchar 40  Revenue range of the bus_org. This is a user-defined popup with default name Company Revenue Search (4)
sales_tax_idCHARvarchar 40  Account's sales tax idenfification number  
size_emplCHARvarchar 40  Estimated number of employees in the organization Search (3)
size_revnLONGint   DIRECT Estimated company revenue  
standardsCHARvarchar 25  Standards the business organization adheres to; e.g., ISO 9000  
statusLONGtinyint  DIRECT Status of bus_org; i.e., 0=active, 1=inactive, 2=obsolete, default=0 Search (4)
stock_symCHARvarchar 10  Stock symbol Search (1)
struct_typeLONGtinyint  DIRECT The scope of the account; i.e., 0=business to business account, 1=business to consumer account, default=0.  
tax_exemptCHARvarchar 25  Reserved not used; see account  
tax_exempt_start_dtCLK_TIMEdatetime   ALLOW_NULL Date Tax exemption is started  
typeCHARvarchar 40  Business type; e.g., competitor, prospect, customer. This is a user-defined pop up with default name Company Type Search (16)
update_stampCLK_TIMEdatetime46  ALLOW_NULL Date/time of last update to the bus_org  
web_siteCHARvarchar 255  The URL of the main web page of the organization Search (6)
year_endCHARvarchar 25  Fiscal year end  
year_startCHARvarchar 25  Fiscal year start  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in ViewsSet NameType ID Stored inObjid Stored In
 Exclusive Set Relations
bus_org2accountOTOFaccountaccount2bus_orgFor business organizations which are also accounts, the related account object. Reserved; obsolete       
bus_primary2addressMTOaddressbus_primary2bus_orgPrimary address of the business organization. Reserved; not used. Gets addresses from related sites       
bus_org2alertOTMalertalert2bus_orgAlerts on the bus_org       
bus_org2ana_scoreOTMana_scoreana_score2bus_orgScore for an organization    score_for key_type key_objid 
bus_org2ana_score_aOTMana_score_aana_score_a2bus_orgScore for an organization    score_for key_type key_objid 
bus_org2ana_score_bOTMana_score_bana_score_b2bus_orgScore for an organization    score_for key_type key_objid 
primary2blg_argmntOTOPblg_argmntprimary_ba2bus_orgPrimary billing arrangement of the customer   Search (1)   
parent2blg_argmntOTMblg_argmntba_parent2bus_orgRelated parent billing arrangement       
child2blg_argmntOTMblg_argmntba_child2bus_orgRelated child billing arrangement       
bus_org2bus_addr_roleOTMbus_addr_rolebus_addr_role2bus_orgAddresses for the business organization. Reserved; future       
role_for2bus_bus_roleOTMbus_bus_rolerole_for2bus_orgRoles received from other business organizations. Not used; available for custom use       
player2bus_bus_roleOTMbus_bus_roleplayer2bus_orgRoles played for other business organizations. Not used; available for custom use       
org2bus_empl_roleOTMbus_empl_rolebus_empl_role2bus_orgEmployee roles for the business organization. Reserved; obsolete. Replaced by usr_bus_role       
bus_org2bus_led_roleOTMbus_led_rolebus_led_role2bus_orgLead roles involving a bus_org       
org2bus_lsc_roleOTMbus_lsc_rolebus_lsc2bus_orgLead source roles for the account       
bus_org2bus_opp_roleOTMbus_opp_rolebus_role2bus_orgOpportunity roles for the business organization       
bus_org2bus_org_externOTMbus_org_externbus_org_extern2bus_orgExternal system key related to bus_org        
bus_org2bus_per_roleOTMbus_per_rolebus_per_role2bus_orgRoles received from other business organizations. Reserved; obsolete       
bus_org2bus_prf_roleOTMbus_prf_rolebu_pf_role2bus_orgPrice factor roles for the account       
bus_org2bus_prt_roleOTMbus_prt_rolebus_prt_role2bus_orgInstalled part roles for the business organization. Reserved; not used       
parent2bus_rol_itmOTMbus_rol_itmparent2bus_orgRelated parent rollup items       
child2bus_rol_itmOTMbus_rol_itmchild2bus_orgRelated child rollup items       
bus_org2bus_site_roleOTMbus_site_rolebus_site_role2bus_orgSite roles for the business organization       
buyer2contractOTMcontractsell_to2bus_orgDeals for which the bus_org is the buyer       
bus_org2ct_bus_roleOTMct_bus_rolect_bus_role2bus_orgContact roles for the business organization       
org_attach2doc_instOTMdoc_instdoc_inst2bus_orgAttachments to the bus_org       
bus_org2e_addrOTMe_addreaddr2bus_orgElectronic addresses for the business organization       
parent2fin_accntOTMfin_accntfa_parent2bus_orgRelated parent financial account       
child2fin_accntOTMfin_accntfa_child2bus_orgRelated child financial account       
bus_org2fr_agr_bus_roleOTMfr_agr_bus_rolefr_agr_bus_role2bus_orgFramework agreement roles for customer (bus_org)       
bus_org2frcst_itmOTMfrcst_itmitem2bus_orgForecast detail for the account. Reserved future       
bus_org2frcst_targetOTMfrcst_targetfrcst2bus_orgForecast target for the account. Reserved; future       
bus_industry2industryMTMindustrybus_industry2bus_orgIndustries in which the business organization operates  mtm_bus_org13_
bus_org2intrxnOTMintrxnintrxn2bus_orgInteraction created for an organization (account)       
bus_org2lit_ship_reqOTMlit_ship_reqlit_ship_req2bus_orgRelated sales literature shipments       
bus_org2opp_analysisOTMopp_analysisanalysis2bus_orgRelated opportunity analyses       
bus_org2order_actionOTMorder_actionorder_action2bus_orgOrder action for an organization (account)       
bus_org2org_ter_roleOTMorg_ter_roleorg_ter_role2bus_orgSales territory roles for the business organization. Reserved; future       
parent2pay_channelOTMpay_channelpc_parent2bus_orgRelated parent pay channel       
child2pay_channelOTMpay_channelpc_child2bus_orgRelated child pay channel       
bus_org2pay_meansOTMpay_meanspay_means2bus_orgPayment means belonging to the bus_org       
bus_org2pp_bucketOTMpp_bucketpp_bucket2bus_orgPre-paid bucket belongs to an organization       
primary2pp_bucketOTOPpp_bucketprimary_ppb2bus_orgPrimary pre-paid bucket belongs to an organization       
defaultbus2price_progMTOprice_progdefaultbus2bus_orgThe default price book for the account       
bus_org2req_to_externOTMreq_to_externreq_to_extern2bus_orgRequest can be related to a bus_org       
dflt_blg_hrchy2rollupMTOrollupdflt_blg_hrchy2bus_orgThis will enable us to retrieve all accounts associated with a hierarchy and use that as a filter for other objects of interest   Search (2)   
bus_org2scr_runOTMscr_runscr_run2bus_orgScript runs initiated by the business organization       
primary_org2siteOTMsiteprimary2bus_orgSites for which the organization is the owner       
primary2siteOTOPsiteprimary_site2bus_orgPrimary site for the organization   Search (4)   
receiver_org2taskOTMtasktask_for2bus_orgTasks performed for the business organization       
prospect2territoryMTOterritoryprospect2bus_orgTerritory to which the organization is assigned       
bus_org2user_touchOTMuser_touchuser_touch2bus_orgLast user touches for the account    touched_by source_type source_lowid 
bus_org2usr_bus_roleOTMusr_bus_roleusr_bus_role2bus_orgUser roles for the account       
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
bus_org_indexorg_idnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
ind_namenamenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_prospect2territoryprospect2territorynonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
p2ba0173primary2blg_argmntnonclustered located on PRIMARY
p2s0173primary2sitenonclustered located on PRIMARY
Referenced in Views:
View IDView NameTables
88site_view address, bus_org, country, site
254acct_team bus_empl_role, bus_org, employee, site, user
289rol_contct address, bus_org, contact, contact_role, country, site, time_zone
4615fc_case_view bus_org, bus_site_role, case, condition, contact, gbst_elm, site, user
4616fc_contract_view bus_org, bus_site_role, contract, site
4618fc_site_part_view bus_org, bus_site_role, mod_level, part_num, site, site_part
4619fc_bug_view bug, bus_org, bus_site_role, case, gbst_elm, mod_level, part_num, probdesc, site, workaround
4620fc_acct_ind_view bus_org, industry
4621fc_acct_task_view bus_org, condition, gbst_elm, task, user
4622fc_acct_opp_view bus_opp_role, bus_org, currency, cycle_stage, opportunity, user
4623fc_acct_site_view address, bus_org, bus_site_role, country, site
4627fc_quote_view bus_org, contact, contract, currency, gbst_elm, user
5050qry_ccn_hdr_view bus_org, condition, contact, contract, gbst_elm, user
5077task_con bus_org, condition, contact, gbst_elm, opportunity, task, user
5093busopprl_view bus_opp_role, bus_org, opportunity
5098bus_site_ind bus_org, bus_site_role, industry, site
5103bus_opp_view bus_opp_role, bus_org, opportunity
5109ccn_bill_view bus_org, condition, contr_schedule, contract, currency, site, user
5162busorg_quote_v bus_org, contract
5168oppanly_v bus_org, opp_analysis, opportunity
5217ccc_rundsply bug, bus_org, campaign, case, contact, contr_itm, contract, demand_dtl, employee, lead_source, opportunity, probdesc, scr_run, site, site_part, subcase, task
5322bus_lsc_view bus_lsc_role, bus_org, lead_source
5340sfaacctsite address, bus_org, bus_site_role, country, site
5341sfa_opp_v bus_opp_role, bus_org, currency, cycle_stage, opportunity, user
5343sfa_quote_v bus_org, contact, contract, currency, gbst_elm, user
5344sfa_frcst_v bus_org, currency, frcst_itm, opportunity, territory, user
5347sfa_target bus_org, currency, frcst_target, gbst_elm, territory, user
5348sfa_acct_tm bus_org, contact, employee, user, usr_bus_role
5352sfa_bus_rol bus_org, bus_rol_itm, rollup
5359sfa_tsk_mto_v bus_org, contact, lead, lit_req, opportunity, task
5460ctct_web_acct_vw bus_org, contact, ct_bus_role, web_user
5475role_contact address, bus_org, contact, contact_role, country, site
5478sales_quote_v bus_org, condition, contact, contract, currency, gbst_elm, opportunity, user
5479bus_part_view bus_opp_role, bus_org, mod_level, part_num
5482acct_sites_view address, bus_org, bus_site_role, country, site
5486sfa_busopp_v bus_opp_role, bus_org, opportunity
5487sfa_busled_v bus_led_role, bus_org, lead
5550site_view_zone address, bus_org, country, site, time_zone
5647site_view2 address, bus_org, country, site
5690site_view_more address, bus_org, country, site, time_zone
5707sfa_site_dtl_vw address, bus_org, bus_site_role, country, site, time_zone
5713busorg_site_addr_vw address, bus_org, bus_org_extern, country, site, state_prov
5714blg_argmnt_addr_vw addr_ba_role, address, blg_argmnt, bus_org, bus_org_extern, country, state_prov
5723vw_pbus_org_fin_accnt bus_org, fin_accnt, fin_accnt_extern
5724vw_bus_org_fin_accnt bus_org, fin_accnt, fin_accnt_extern
5725vw_pbus_org_blg_argmnt blg_argmnt, blg_argmnt_extern, bus_org
5726vw_bus_org_blg_argmnt blg_argmnt, blg_argmnt_extern, bus_org
5727vw_bi_bus_rol bus_org, bus_rol_itm, rollup
5728bus_org_ext_vw bus_org, bus_org_extern, site
5729bus_org_hrc_vw bus_org, bus_org_extern, bus_rol_itm, rollup
5730vw_bus_org_pay_chnl bus_org, pay_channel, pay_chnl_extern
5736vw_pbus_org_pay_chnl bus_org, pay_channel, pay_chnl_extern
5737sit_rol_contact bus_org, contact, contact_role, site
5743busorg_bussite_vw bus_org, bus_org_extern, bus_site_role, site
5747prmry_busorg_site_addr address, bus_org, bus_org_extern, country, site, state_prov
5783order_list_v bus_org, condition, contact, contract, gbst_elm
5786agr_bus_v bus_org, fr_agr_bus_role, fr_agrmnt
5809fr_agreement_details_v bus_org, fr_agr_bus_role, fr_agrmnt, user
5818con_ba_role_view blg_argmnt, bus_org, con_blg_argmnt_role, contact
5819ba_bi_role_view ba_bi_role, billable_itm, blg_argmnt, bus_org, site_part
5827bar_busorg_fa_pm_eaddr_v blg_argmnt, bus_org, e_addr, fin_accnt, pay_means
5828bar_rel_prim_addr_v address, blg_argmnt, bus_org, country, e_addr, fin_accnt, site, state_prov, time_zone
5836bus_org_blg_rel_items bus_org
5838req_to_extern_view blg_argmnt, bus_org, fin_accnt, pay_means, pp_bucket, rechrg_instrn, req_to_extern
5849account_interaction bus_org, channel_inst, contact, intrxn, medium
5850fc_rol_contct address, bus_org, contact, contact_role, country, rollup, site
5851account_work bus_org
5852edr_cntct_acct bus_org, contact, e_addr
5859interaction_overview bus_org, channel, contact, intrxn, medium
5871sp_bus_con_view bus_org, con_sp_role, contact, site_part
5955search_intrxn bus_org, contact, intrxn, medium, topic
6030cont_subs_for_sim bus_org, bus_site_role, con_sp_role, contact, site_part
6031sp_orders_v bus_org, condition, contact, contract, gbst_elm, order_action, order_line, site_part
6048bus_org_subscription bus_org, bus_prt_role, site_part
6071bus_org_view bus_org, rollup
6073rol_contct_v bus_org, contact, contact_role, site
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