Table Name:prog_logic
Table Number:18
Group:Diagnosis Eng
Description:Linking device which links cases, diagnostic elements, and their related solutions to one another. Reserved; not used
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
creation_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime1   The date and time the path was created  
descriptionCHARvarchar23255  Description of the path Search (2)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
id_numberCHARvarchar432  Unique ID number for the path; consists of solution-# Search (2)
is_cmnLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; future Search (1)
modify_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime    The date and time the logic was modified  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (4)
prog_arrayARRAY10 DIRECT, BINARY Associated binary array object Search (4)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
prog_logic2caseOTMcasecase_logic2prog_logicThe cases using the logic. Reserved; not used    
prog_logic2hint_instOTMhint_insthint_logic2prog_logicDiagnostic hint instances related to the logic. Reserved; not used    
prog_logic2keyphraseMTMkeyphrasekeyphrase2prog_logicKeyphrases related to the logic. Reserved; not used  mtm_keyphrase5_
prog_logic2part_infoMTOmod_levelpart_info2prog_logicPart revisions on which the logic was defined. Reserved; not used   Search (1)
prog_logic2part_classMTOpart_classpart_class2prog_logicPart class, generic part, related to the logic. Reserved; not used   Search (2)
prog_logic2probdescMTOprobdescprobdesc2prog_logicSolution applicable to the logic. Reserved; not used   Search (2)
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_prog_logic2part_classprog_logic2part_classnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_prog_logic2probdescprog_logic2probdescnonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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