Table Name:bug
Table Number:192
Description:Main change request object
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
attribute1CHARvarchar 40  Used to store CR Class information. This is a user-defined pop up with default name CR_CLASS  
attribute2CHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used  
attribute3CHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used  
attribute4CHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used  
attribute5CHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used  
attribute6CHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used  
attribute7CHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used  
attribute8CHARvarchar 30  Reserved; not used  
cclist1CHARvarchar44255  Recipient on carbon copy list #1  
cclist2CHARvarchar45255  Recipient on carbon copy list #2  
cpuCHARvarchar 40  CPU the CR was found on. This is from a level of a hierarchical user-defined pop up list with default name CR_DESC and level name CPU  
creation_timeCLK_TIMEdatetime1   Creation date/time of the change request Search (4)
date_foundCLK_TIMEdatetime    Creation_time of the case if the CR was created from a solution for a case  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
distLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
fixed_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Reserved; not used. Use act_entry for the CR's fixed or closed event instead  
historyCHARtext23  ALLOW_NULL History text field for the change request  
id_numberCHARvarchar432  Change request number; generated via auto-numbering Search (15)
initial_descCHARvarchar 255  Reserved; not used  
memoryCHARvarchar 40  Memory in the system the CR was found on. This is from a level of a hierarchical user-defined pop up list with default name CR_DESC and level name Memory  
modify_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime48   The date and time when object is saved  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (19)
osCHARvarchar 40  Operating System the CR was found on. This is from a level of a hierarchical user-defined pop up list with default name CR_DESC and level name OS  
ownership_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime47   The date and time when ownership changes  
release_revCHARvarchar 40  Fixed in release version. A user-defined pop up list with default name FIX RELEASE Search (6)
titleCHARvarchar280  Title of the change request Search (7)
ttest_nameCHARvarchar 80  Name of test that is to be used to verify the CR  
yank_flagLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in ViewsSet NameType ID Stored inObjid Stored In
 Exclusive Set Relations
bug2act_entryOTMact_entryact_entry2bugActivity log entries for the CR       
duplicate_parent2bugOTMbugduplicate_bug2bugCR is parent to duplicate CRs       
duplicate_bug2bugMTObugduplicate_parent2bugRelation from the duplicate CR to its parent CR   Search (2)   
cr_replicate2cr_masterMTObugcr_master2cr_replicateRelation from replicate CR to its parent CR   Search (2)   
cr_master2cr_replicateOTMbugcr_replicate2cr_masterCR that were replicated from the CR       
cr_replicate2cr_rootMTObugcr_root2cr_replicateRelated top-level-ancestor in a chain of replicated CRs       
cr_root2cr_replicateOTMbugcr_replicate2cr_rootRelated replicated CRs decending from the root CR       
role_for2bug_bug_roleOTMbug_bug_rolerole_for2bugBug receiving the role       
player2bug_bug_roleOTMbug_bug_roleplayer2bugBug playing the role       
bug2bug_moduleOTMbug_modulebug_module2bugSource modules checked out for the CR       
bug_cmit2commit_logOTMcommit_logbug_commit2bugReserved; not used       
bug_condit2conditionOTOPconditionbug_condition2bugCondition of CR; e.g., open, closed, etc   Search (15)   
bug_attach2doc_instOTMdoc_instdoc_inst2bugDocuments attached to the CR       
bug_email2email_logOTMemail_logbug_email2bugRelated email logs       
bug_cc_list2employeeOTMemployeecc_list2bugEmployees copied on the change request. Reserved; obsolete. See fields cclist1 and cclist2 above       
bug_escal2escalationOTMescalationbug_escalate2bugReserved; obsolete       
bug_type2gbst_elmMTOgbst_elmbug_type2bugRelation to pop up list for CR type   Search (3)   
bug_priority2gbst_elmMTOgbst_elmpriority2bugRelation to pop up list for CR priority   Search (4)   
bug_sevrity2gbst_elmMTOgbst_elmseverity2bugRelation to pop up list for CR reproducibility       
bug_sts2gbst_elmMTOgbst_elmstatus2bugRelation to pop up list for CR type. (See bug.attribute1 for CR status)   Search (12)   
bug_domain2gbst_elmMTOgbst_elmdomain2bugRelation to pop up list for CR intro phase       
bug_class2gbst_elmMTOgbst_elmclass2bugRelation to pop up list for CR class       
bug_product2part_infoMTOmod_levelpart_info2bugPart revision of part selected for CR   Search (5)   
bug_view2monitorMTMmonitormonitor2bugReserved; obsolete  mtm_monitor9_
Search (2)   
bug_notes2notes_logOTMnotes_logbug_notes2bugNotes log entries for the CR       
bug_desc2notes_logOTOPnotes_lognotes_log2bug_descCR description is stored in a notes log       
bug2probdescMTMprobdescprobdesc2bugRelation to solutions that address the CR  mtm_probdesc12_
Search (2)   
bug_currq2queueMTOqueuequeue2bugQueue to which the CR has been dispatched   Search (1)   
bug_prevq2queueMTOqueueprevq2bugQueue to which the CR was previously dispatched       
bug2r_rqstOTMr_rqstr_rqst2bugRouting requests for the CR    route_for source_type source_lowid 
bg_rej_rsn2reject_msgOTMreject_msgreject_reason2bugReject messages for a CR that has been rejected       
bug_rip2ripbinMTOripbinbug_ripbin2bugReserved; obsolete   Search (1)   
bug2scr_runOTMscr_runscr_run2bugScript runs initiated by the CR       
bug_reporter2siteOTMsitereport_site2bugReserved; not used       
instalatn2site_partMTOsite_partsite_part2bugReserved; not used       
bug_pid2site_partMTOsite_partselected_prd2bugReserved; not used       
bg_statchg2status_chgOTMstatus_chgstatus_chg2bugStatus change entries for the CR       
bug2tagMTMtagtag2bug USER_DEFINED mtm_bug40_
bug_originator2userMTOuseroriginator2bugUser that created the CR       
bug_owner2userMTOuserowner2bugUser that currently owns the CR   Search (9)   
bug_wip2wipbinMTOwipbinwipbin2bugWIPbin into which the CR has been accepted   Search (1)   
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
bc2c0192bug_condit2condition, bug_sts2gbst_elmnonclustered located on PRIMARY
bc2q0192bug_currq2queue, objidnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
bug_indexid_numbernonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
ind_bug_creation_timecreation_timenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_bug_owner2userbug_owner2user, bug_wip2wipbinnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_bug_product2part_infobug_product2part_infononclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_bug_wip2wipbinbug_wip2wipbin, objidnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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