subcase_acd2acd_call | OTM | acd_call | acd_call_subcase2subcase | Related ACD calls | | | | | | |
aux_subcase2act_entry | OTOP | act_entry | act_xentry2subcase | When a subcase is created there is a subcase-create activity log entry in the parent case. The entry is related to the subcase created | | | | | | |
subcase2act_entry | OTM | act_entry | act_entry2subcase | Subcase activity log entries | | | | | | |
subcase2case | MTO | case | case2subcase | Parent case | | | Search (19) | | | |
subcase2close_case | OTM | close_case | close_case2subcase | Related subcase closure entry | | | | | | |
subcase2cls_factory | OTOF | cls_factory | factory2subcase | Template which uses the subcase for auto generation | | | | | | |
subc_gen2cls_factory | MTO | cls_factory | fct_gen2subcase | Template from which the subcase was generated | | | Search (1) | | | |
subc_cmit2commit_log | OTM | commit_log | subc_commit2subcase | Related subcase commitment logs | | | | | | |
subc_state2condition | OTOP | condition | subc_conditn2subcase | Subcase condition | | | Search (18) | | | |
subcaseinfo2demand_hdr | OTM | demand_hdr | subcaseinfo2case | Reserved; not used. Use relation from parent case to demand_hdr instead | | | | | | |
subcase_onsite2disptchfe | OTM | disptchfe | disptchfe2subcase | FE dispatches for the subcase | | | | | | |
subcase_attch2doc_inst | OTM | doc_inst | doc_inst2subcase | Document attachment file instances for the subcase | | | | | | |
subc_email2email_log | OTM | email_log | subc_email2subcase | Email logs for the subcase | | | | | | |
subc_empl2employee | MTO | employee | creator2subcase | Employee who created the subcase | | | | | | |
subcase2escalation | OTM | escalation | subc_escalate2subcase | Reserved; obsolete | | | | | | |
subcase2fa_subcase | OTM | fa_subcase | fa_subcase2subcase | | | | | | | |
subc_info2fcs_detail | OTM | fcs_detail | used_by2subcase | Reserved; custom | | | | | | |
subc_info2fcs_header | OTM | fcs_header | req_by2subcase | Reserved; custom | | | | | | |
subc_casests2gbst_elm | MTO | gbst_elm | case_status2subcase | Subcase status; defined as a Clarify-defined pop up list associated with each type of condition | | | Search (10) | | | |
subc_priorty2gbst_elm | MTO | gbst_elm | priority2subcase | Subcase priority; defined as a Clarify-defined pop up list | | | Search (8) | | | |
subc_svrity2gbst_elm | MTO | gbst_elm | severity2subcase | Subcase severity; defined as a Clarify-defined pop up list | | | Search (6) | | | |
subcase2job | MTO | job | job2subcase | Job which is tracking the subcase | | | | | | |
subc_view2monitor | MTM | monitor | monitor2subcase | Reserved; obsolete | | mtm_subcase21_ monitor7 | | | | |
subc_notes2notes_log | OTM | notes_log | subc_notes2subcase | Subcase note logs | | | | | | |
subc_onsit2onsite_log | OTM | onsite_log | subc_onsite2subcase | Subcase T&E logs | | | | | | |
subc_phcall2phone_log | OTM | phone_log | subc_phone2subcase | Subcase phone logs | | | | | | |
subc_prevq2queue | MTO | queue | prevq2subcase | Previous queue; used in temporary accept to record previous queue subcase was in | | | | | | |
subc_currq2queue | MTO | queue | currq2subcase | Queue subcase is dispatched to | | | Search (7) | | | |
subcase2r_rqst | OTM | r_rqst | r_rqst2subcase | Routing requests for the subcase | | | | route_for | source_type | source_lowid |
subcase2reject_msg | OTM | reject_msg | reject_reason2subcase | Reason for rejection of subcase | | | | | | |
subc_rsrch2resrch_log | OTM | resrch_log | subc_resrch2subcase | Subcase research logs | | | | | | |
subc_rip2ripbin | MTO | ripbin | subc_ripbin2subcase | Reserved; obsolete | | | Search (2) | | | |
subcase2scr_run | OTM | scr_run | scr_run2subcase | Script runs initiated by the subcase | | | | | | |
subcase2status_chg | OTM | status_chg | subc_stat_chg2subcase | Subcase status changes | | | | | | |
subcase2tag | MTM | tag | tag2subcase | | USER_DEFINED | mtm_subcase38_ tag1 | | | | |
subcase2topic | OTM | topic | topic2subcase | Related topic for this subcase | | | | interaction_for | focus_type | focus_lowid |
subc_orig2user | MTO | user | originator2subcase | User that originated the subcase | | | | | | |
subc_owner2user | MTO | user | curr_owner2subcase | User that owns subcase | | | Search (17) | | | |
subc_wip2wipbin | MTO | wipbin | wipbin2subcase | WIPbin that subcase is accepted into | | | Search (7) | | | |