Table Name:disptchfe
Table Number:26
Description:Dispatch Engineer object which contains all the info required for the field engineer to perform a task at a customer site. Site and contact info comes from the case, but can be edited and is stored locally on the object
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
address1CHARvarchar 200  Line one of street address of site at which FE is to perform work  
address2CHARvarchar 200  Line two of street address of site at which FE is to perform work  
alt_phoneCHARvarchar 20  Contact alternate phone number  
appointmentCLK_TIMEdatetime    Proposed date/time of scheduled appointment or commitment Search (10)
appt_confirmLONGsmallint  DIRECT 0=unconfirmed, 1=confirmed, default=0 Search (8)
cell_textCHARvarchar 255  Contains a concatination of locally-selected fields for display by Schedule Tracker. Default is field case.id_number Search (8)
cityCHARvarchar 30  City where site is located  
cont_fnameCHARvarchar 30  Contact first name  
cont_lnameCHARvarchar 30  Contact last name  
descriptionCHARvarchar 255  Task description Search (3)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
disptimeCLK_TIMEdatetime    Date and time the dispatch engineer object was created Search (1)
durationLONGint   DIRECT Expected/actual amount of time to complete the task in seconds Search (8)
main_phoneCHARvarchar 20  Contact main phone number  
notesCHARtext   ALLOW_NULL Notes describing additional information needed by the engineer to complete the task  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (23)
pay_methodCHARvarchar 40  Method of payment for the service; e.g., credit card, PO, etc. Populated from a user defined pop-up   
ref_numberCHARvarchar 80  Reference number for payment method; e.g., PO number, etc  
requested_etaCLK_TIMEdatetime    Requested date and time of field engineer's arrival at dispatch site Search (8)
stateCHARvarchar 30  State where site is located  
work_orderCHARvarchar 80  Work order number entered by the user Search (6)
zipCHARvarchar 20  Site zip or other postal code  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
disptchfe2act_entryOTMact_entryact_entry2disptchfeActivity log entry for the field engineer dispatch activity    
disptchfe2caseMTOcasecase_onsite2disptchfeCase for the field engineer dispatch   Search (11)
disptchfe2fcs_detailOTOPfcs_detailfcs_detail2disptchfeReserved; custom    
disptchfe2onsite_logOTMonsite_logdisfe_onsit2disptchfeT&E summaries for the dispatch event    
disptchfe2subcaseMTOsubcasesubcase_onsite2disptchfeSubcase for the field engineer dispatch   Search (5)
disptchfe_orig2userMTOuseroriginator2disptchfeUser that originated the dispatch    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_disptchfe2casedisptchfe2casenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_disptchfe2subcasedisptchfe2subcasenonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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