Table Name:control_db
Table Number:264
Group:User Interface
Description:A control appearing on a Clarify form; used with privilege class mechanism to indicate that a control is disabled for particular privilege classes
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
backcolorLONGint   DIRECT Value of the background color assigned to the control  
bottom_cLONGsmallint   DIRECT Bottom boundary of the control  
descriptionCHARvarchar 255  Description of the purpose/use of the control; currently used only for buttons to indicate access restriction by privilege class  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
dimmableLONGint   DIRECT Indicates whether the item can be dimmed by the user; i.e., 0=dimmable, 1=not dimmable Search (2)
flagsLONGint   DIRECT Stores a control's attribute in bitmap form; e.g., readonly, visible  
flags2LONGint   DIRECT Stores additional bitmapped control attributes  
fontCHARvarchar 80  The font assigned to the control  
forecolorLONGint   DIRECT Value of the foreground color assigned to the control  
from_sideLONGsmallint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
function_idLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
idLONGsmallint   DIRECT Control ID in .dat file  
intval1LONGint   DIRECT Multi-purpose integer attribute; use depends on type of control  
intval2LONGint   DIRECT Additional multi-purpose integer attribute; use depends on type of control  
intval3LONGint   DIRECT Additional multi-purpose integer attribute; use depends on type of control  
intval4LONGint   DIRECT Additional multi-purpose integer attribute; use depends on type of control  
justificationLONGsmallint   DIRECT Indicates left, right or center justification of the control's label  
left_cLONGsmallint   DIRECT Left boundary of the control  
nameCHARvarchar 80  Name of the control Search (4)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (4)
right_cLONGsmallint   DIRECT Right boundary of the control  
same_sideLONGsmallint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
titleCHARvarchar 255  Displayed label of the control Search (2)
tlink_dtypeLONGint   DIRECT Data type of the control's title (source link) contextual object  
tlink_fldLONGint   DIRECT Field name of the control's title (source link) contextual object  
tlink_fld_nameCHARvarchar 80  Field name of the contextual object the control is title linked to  
tlink_nameCHARvarchar 80  Name of the control's title (source link) contextual object  
to_ctrl_idLONGsmallint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
top_cLONGsmallint   DIRECT Top boundary of the control  
typeLONGsmallint   DIRECT Type of control; e.g., menubutton, button, etc Search (2)
value1CHARvarchar 255  Multipurpose string attribute for a control's string value; use depends on the control  
value2CHARvarchar 255  Second multipurpose string attribute for a control's string value; use depends on the control  
value3CHARvarchar 255  Stores an edit mask for a control  
vlink_dtypeLONGint   DIRECT Data type of the control's value link (destination link) to the contextual object  
vlink_fldLONGint   DIRECT Stores the field ID of the control's database field (or temporary data structure). It is a field belonging to the contextual object that is referenced by title in the vlink_name field  
vlink_fld_nameCHARvarchar 80  Field name of the contextual object the control is value linked to  
vlink_nameCHARvarchar 80  Title of the control's (destination link) contextual object  
win_idLONGint   DIRECT ID of form in which the control appears Search (2)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
control_db2btn_actionOTMbtn_actionbtn_action2control_dbButton actions linked to the control    
control_db2privclassMTMprivclassprivclass2control_dbRelation to privilege class for which the item is excluded  mtm_privclass1_
Search (1)
item2value_itemOTMvalue_itemvalue2control_dbValue items linked to the control    
control2window_dbMTOwindow_dbwindow2control_dbForm using the control   Search (4)
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
control_db_indexid, control2window_dbnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
ind_control2window_dbcontrol2window_dbnonclustered located on PRIMARY
name_indexname, control2window_dbnonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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