Table Name:filterset
Table Number:425
Group:Info Retrieval
Description:Object which stores the definition of a filter as defined by a user
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
id1LONGint   DIRECT ID of the form to which the filterset belongs  
id2CHARvarchar 30  Identifies the functionality using the filterset  
is_defaultCHARvarchar 20  If the default filterset, set to string representing 'default', else blank  
obj_typeLONGint   DIRECT Object type ID base object the filterset is for; e.g., 0=case, 52=site  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number  
order_valLONGint   DIRECT 0=Ascending , 1=descending sort criteria  
sql_statementCHARtext   ALLOW_NULL SQL code created based on parameters entered by user for the filterset  
stored_prc_nameCHARvarchar 40  Reserved for the name of the stored procedure for the filterset  
titleCHARvarchar 80  Name of the filterset  
typeCHARvarchar 30  Function that is using the filterset; e.g., CBX  
update_stampCLK_TIMEdatetime46  ALLOW_NULL Date/time of last update to the filterset  
view_typeLONGint   DIRECT Schema view being used for filterset; differs based on object type  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
filterset2query_elmOTMquery_elmquery_elm2filtersetProperty list items for the filterset    
filterset2sort_elmOTMsort_elmsort_elm2filtersetSort criteria for the filterset    
include2territoryOTOFterritoryinclude2filtersetTerritory for which the filterset selects business organizations. Reserved; future    
filterset2userMTOuseroriginator2filtersetUser that originated/created filterset    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
filter_name_indfilterset2user, type, id1, id2, titlenonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
Referenced in Views:
View IDView NameTables
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