Table Name:demand_hdr
Table Number:48
Description:Part request; contains basic request information
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
arch_indLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL When set to 1, indicates the object is ready for purge/archive  
attn_phoneCHARvarchar 40  Phone number of the person the header is created for  
demand_typeLONGint  DIRECT Type of part request; i.e., 0=standard part request, 1=literature part request, 2=vendor part request Search (1)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
distLONGint   DIRECT Reserved; not used  
header_case_noCHARvarchar 255  The ID of the object which originated the header; i.e., the case, subcase, or opportunity ID Search (3)
header_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    The create date for the request header Search (3)
header_numberCHARvarchar420  The request ID for the part request header Search (2)
modify_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime48   The date and time when object is saved  
notesCHARvarchar 255  Notes about the part request  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (7)
order_acknowlLONGint  DIRECT Reserved; future  
originatorCHARvarchar 30  The user originator for the request  
ownership_stmpCLK_TIMEdatetime47   The date and time when ownership changes  
partialsLONGint  DIRECT Reserved; future  
pay_methodCHARvarchar 40  Payment method. This is from a user-defined popup with default name PAYMENT_METHOD  
pay_termsCHARvarchar 40  Payment terms. This is from a user-defined popup with default name PAYMENT_TERMS  
priorityCHARvarchar 40  Request priority This is from a user-defined popup with default name REQUEST_PRIORITY Search (1)
removedLONGint  DIRECT Indicates the logical removal of the object; i.e., 0=present, 1=removed, default=0  
request_authLONGint  DIRECT Reserved; future  
request_notesCHARvarchar 255  Comments about the request  
request_statusCHARvarchar 20  Status of the request Search (3)
sequence_numLONGint   DIRECT Represents the number of detail records for the demand header  
ship_addressCHARvarchar 200  Local copy of the site address; line 1  
ship_address2CHARvarchar 200  Local copy of the site address; line 2  
ship_attnCHARvarchar 30  First name of the person the header is created for Search (1)
ship_attn2CHARvarchar 40  Last name of the person the header is created for Search (1)
ship_cityCHARvarchar 30  Local copy of the site city Search (1)
ship_countryCHARvarchar 40  Local copy of the request country  
ship_site_idCHARvarchar 80  Site ID of the ship to site selected for the header  
ship_stateCHARvarchar 40  Local copy of the site state  
ship_zipCHARvarchar 20  Local copy of the site zip or other postal code  
site_nameCHARvarchar 80  Local copy of the site name Search (3)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
caseinfo2caseMTOcasecaseinfo2demand_hdrThe case the request is related to    
attention2contactMTOcontactcontact2demand_hdrThe contact for the request    
reqst2contr_scheduleOTOPcontr_scheduleschedule2demand_hdrThe contract/quote schedule the request is related to. Reserved; future    
ship_info2countryMTOcountrycountry2demand_hdrCountry to which the part request header is addressed    
demand_hdr2demand_dtlOTMdemand_dtldemand_dtl2demand_hdrDetail items for the part request header    
hdr_attach2doc_instOTMdoc_instdoc_inst2demand_hdrAttachments to the part request header    
autorepl2part_authMTMpart_authpart_auth2demand_hdrPart authorizations having outstanding auto-replenishment orders under the header  mtm_demand_hdr9_
open_reqst2siteMTOsitesite2demand_hdrSite to which the request will be shipped   Search (2)
bill_reqst2siteMTOsitebill_site2demand_hdrSite to which the request will be billed    
ship_info2state_provMTOstate_provstate_code2demand_hdrState or province to which the part request header is addressed    
subcaseinfo2caseMTOsubcasesubcaseinfo2demand_hdrReserved; not used. Use relation from parent case to demand_hdr instead    
current_owner2ownerMTOusercurr_owner2demand_hdrOwner of the part request header    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
ind_demand_hdr_header_numberheader_numbernonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_originatororiginatornonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_pay_methodpay_methodnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_pay_termspay_termsnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_ship_addressship_addressnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_ship_attnship_attnnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_ship_attn2ship_attn2nonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_ship_cityship_citynonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_ship_site_idship_site_idnonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_demand_hdr_site_namesite_namenonclustered located on PRIMARY
ind_open_reqst2siteopen_reqst2sitenonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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