Table Name:rollup
Table Number:5236
Group:Info Retrieval
Description:Idenfities a hierarchical structure e.g., organization chart, inventory location chart, which may be used to summarize information
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
descriptionCHARvarchar 255  Description of the rollup  
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile50 distribution purposes  
focus_typeLONGsmallint   DIRECT Object type ID of the object type for the rollup; e.g., 173=bus_org, 228=inv_locatn, 5002=territory  
is_defaultLONGtinyint22 DIRECT Determines, within focus_type, if the rollup is the default i.e., 0=no, 1=yes, default=0  
nameCHARvarchar 80  Name of the rollup Search (7)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (9)
rollup_indLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Used for read-only account hierarchy Search (3)
rollup_typeLONGtinyint  DIRECT Contraints on the rollup, i.e., 1=only single parent allowed, 2=multiple parents allowed, 3=duplicate indirect children allowed Search (4)
use_typeLONGsmallint   DIRECT Used within focus_type to signal how a rollup on a particular object is used by the application; e.g., for inventory locations (228) 1=counting for inventory counts, 2=physical - for zone management, 3=reporting for reporting operational metrics Search (1)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
dflt_blg_hrchy2bus_orgOTMbus_orgdflt_blg_hrchy2rollupThis will enable us to retrieve all accounts associated with a hierarchy and use that as a filter for other objects of interest    
rollup2bus_rol_itmOTMbus_rol_itmbus_itm2rollupBus_org items used in the rollup    
rollup2con_rol_itmOTMcon_rol_itmcon_itm2rollupContact items used in the rollup    
rollup2cycle_countOTMcycle_countccount2rollupCycle counts which are using the rollup    
rollup2loc_rol_itmOTMloc_rol_itmloc_itm2rollupInventory location items used in the rollup    
rollup2opp_rol_itmOTMopp_rol_itmopp_itm2rollupOpportunity items used in the rollup    
cyc_rollup2part_authOTMpart_authpart_auth2rollupFor rollups servicing zone management, the primary part_auth (for a part authorization and inv_bin) for the entire zone    
rollup2ter_rol_itmOTMter_rol_itmter_itm2rollupTerritory items used in the rollup    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
rollup_indname, focus_typenonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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