Table Name:N_Properties
Table Number:5418
Description:Holds the extended properties for items in the database. This object would have all the user-defined properties for products, options, option templates, product templates, packages, and attachments
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
N_BooleanValueLONGtinyint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL If the property involves a boolean value, the value  
N_CurrencyValueDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   ALLOW_NULL, CURRENCY If the property involves a currency value, the value  
N_EffectiveDateCLK_TIMEdatetime   ALLOW_NULL The first date on which the information should be used  
N_ExpirationDateCLK_TIMEdatetime   ALLOW_NULL Last date when the information should be used  
N_IntegerValueLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL If the property involves an integer value, the value  
N_ItemIdLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL The ID of the item that has the property  
N_ItemTypeIdLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Item type from N_ItemType table. It is used in conjunction with the N_ItemId field to identify to the item to which the property belongs  
N_ModificationDateCLK_TIMEdatetime   ALLOW_NULL Date and time when the information was last modified  
N_NameCHARvarchar 50 ALLOW_NULL The name of the property  
N_RealNumberValueDECIMALdecimal (19,4)   ALLOW_NULL If the property involves a decimal value, the value  
N_StringValueCHARvarchar 50 ALLOW_NULL If the property involves a string value, the value  
N_TimeStampValueCLK_TIMEdatetime   ALLOW_NULL  If the property involves a datetime value, the value  
N_TypeLONGint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL The type of the property  
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number  
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in ViewsSet NameType ID Stored inObjid Stored In
 Exclusive Set Relations
n_propts2N_AttachmentsMTON_Attachmentsn_attach2N_PropertiesFor a property of an attachment the parent attachment    extension_of N_ItemTypeId N_ItemId 
n_propts2N_AttributeMTON_Attributeattr2N_PropertiesAttribute defined for the property       
value2N_AttributeValueOTMN_AttributeValuevalue2N_PropertiesAttribute values that are defined for the property       
n_propts2N_CompetitorsMTON_Competitorsn_compet2N_PropertiesFor a property of a competitor the parent competitor    extension_of N_ItemTypeId N_ItemId 
n_propts2N_OptionMTON_Optionn_optn2N_PropertiesFor a property of an option the parent option    extension_of N_ItemTypeId N_ItemId 
n_propts2N_PackagesMTON_Packagesn_pkg2N_Properties For a property of a competitor the parent competitor    extension_of N_ItemTypeId N_ItemId 
n_propts2N_ProductMTON_Productn_prod2N_PropertiesFor a property of a product the parent product    extension_of N_ItemTypeId N_ItemId 
n_propts2N_TemplatesMTON_Templatesn_templ2N_PropertiesFor a property of a template the parent template    extension_of N_ItemTypeId N_ItemId 
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
I5418N_ItemId, N_ItemTypeId, N_Namenonclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
itidN_ItemTypeIdnonclustered located on PRIMARY
np2na5418n_propts2N_Attributenonclustered located on PRIMARY
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
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