dev | LONG | int | 151 | | 1 | DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL | Row version number for mobile distribution purposes | |
num_non_pr_cls_in_lvl | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | The number of the non-base class records in the tier (level) | |
num_of_predicted_cls | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | The number of the base class records | |
num_of_total | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | Number of records in the tier | |
num_pred_cls_in_level | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | The number of the base class records in the tier (level) | |
objid | LONG | int | 3 | | | DIRECT | Internal record number | |
perc_non_p_cls_in_lvl | FLOAT | real | | | | | The percentage of the non-base class records in the tier (level) | |
percent_of_total | FLOAT | real | | | | | The percentage of the tier records | |
percent_pred_in_level | FLOAT | real | | | | | The percentage of the base class records in the tier (level) | |
percent_predicted_cls | FLOAT | real | | | | | The percentage of the base class records | |
upper_bound | FLOAT | real | | | | | Maximum value of a tier (level) | |