Table Name:svc_rqst
Table Number:9754
Group:Process Manager
Description:Contains one instance for each service request
Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsCommentField Used in Views
action_specCHARtext   ALLOW_NULL The action_spec XML that defines the action Search (1)
cb_exesubLONGint   DIRECT 0 = svc_name is Tux service, 1 = svc_name is sub func. name written to subfld, subsvc=Tux service, 2: Tux service = CB_EXESUB, subsvc is CLFY_SUB Search (2)
descriptionCHARvarchar 255  A description of the request Search (1)
devLONGint151 DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Row version number for mobile distribution purposes  
durationLONGint   DIRECT Maximum duration (number of seconds before timeout) Search (7)
idCHARvarchar 80  Function ID Search (7)
is_rerunnableLONGtinyint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL Set to 1 if the service call can be safely re-executed after a system failure Search (2)
max_retriesLONGint   DIRECT Maximum retries Search (3)
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number Search (15)
retry_intervalLONGint   DIRECT Retry Interval Search (3)
showpage_typeLONGtinyint   DIRECT, ALLOW_NULL For showpage actions: 0 - normal, 1 = No Display, 2 = Display Only Search (1)
stall_delayLONGint   DIRECT The time to wait before this action is considered to be stalled. Search (2)
sub_fieldCHARvarchar 64  The FML field that svc_name is written to Search (2)
sub_serviceCHARvarchar 30  COntrolled by cb_exesub, the tux service, or sub-service to call Search (2)
svc_nameCHARvarchar 128  The Tuxedo service name that this function will call Search (3)
typeLONGint   DIRECT 0 = Service call, 1 = Null, 2 = Fallout, 3 = Raise Error 4 = Resume 5 = Raise Cancel 6 = ShowPage Search (8)
use_elapsedLONGint   DIRECT For forecasting: 0 = use bizcal hours, 1 = use elapsed time Search (3)
RelationTypeTarget ObjectInverse RelationCommentFlagsMTM TableUsed in Views
svc_rqst2functionOTMfunctionfunction2svc_rqstThe function associated with this item    
svc_rqst2proc_fc_itemOTMproc_fc_itemfc_item2svc_rqstForecasts related to this service request    
svc_rqst2rqst_defMTOrqst_defrqst_def2svc_rqstThe definition that this request is based on    
inst2rqst_instOTMrqst_instrqst_inst2svc_rqstInstances of this generic request. Created when the owning process is executed and this request is initiated    
svc_rqst2showpageMTOshowpageshowpage2svc_rqstRelated showpage definition for ShowPage service requests   Search (1)
rqst2svc_fldOTMsvc_fldfld2svc_rqstThe fields used by the function    
Indexes: (Defined in Clarify Schema)
Index NameFieldsFlags
Indexes (Defined in Database):
Index NameFieldsAdditional Information
objindexobjidclustered, unique located on PRIMARY
sn9754svc_namenonclustered located on PRIMARY
sr2rd9754svc_rqst2rqst_defnonclustered located on PRIMARY
t9754typenonclustered located on PRIMARY
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