View Name:bus_opp_view
View Number:5103
Group:Clear Sales
Description:Used by forms Opportunity (O) Detail (9601, 9630), Quote Call Scripts (9603), O Plan (9605), O Quotes (9606), O Competitive (9607), O Forecast (9608), O Influencer (9609) and My Clarify (12000)


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
objidbus_opp_roleobjidBus_opp_role internal record nubmer 3 (UNIQUE)
role_namebus_opp_rolerole_nameName of the business opportunity role 
bus_objidbus_orgobjidBus_org internal record number 
bus_namebus_orgnameBusiness organization name 
opp_objidopportunityobjidOpportunity internal record number 
activebus_opp_roleactiveIndicates whether the role is active; i.e., 0=inactive, 1=active 
role_typebus_opp_rolerole_typeType of role for the opportunity; i.e., 0=partner, 1=competitor 
commentsbus_opp_rolecommentsComments about the role 
focus_typebus_opp_rolefocus_typeObject type ID of the role-player; i.e., 173=an business organizations's role, 5000=an opportunity's role 
productsbus_opp_roleproductsProducts this bus_org is trying to sell in this opportunity 
close_datebus_opp_roleclose_dateAttempted close date for the opportunity by the bus_org 
amountbus_opp_roleamountCurrenty amount the bus_org is trying to close in this opportunity 
drop_datebus_opp_roledrop_dateDate on which the bus_org dropped out of the opportunity 
drop_reasonbus_opp_roledrop_reasonReason the bus_org left the opportunity 


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