objid | bus_opp_role | objid | Bus_opp_role internal record nubmer | 3 (UNIQUE) |
role_name | bus_opp_role | role_name | Name of the business opportunity role | |
bus_objid | bus_org | objid | Bus_org internal record number | |
bus_name | bus_org | name | Business organization name | |
opp_objid | opportunity | objid | Opportunity internal record number | |
active | bus_opp_role | active | Indicates whether the role is active; i.e., 0=inactive, 1=active | |
role_type | bus_opp_role | role_type | Type of role for the opportunity; i.e., 0=partner, 1=competitor | |
comments | bus_opp_role | comments | Comments about the role | |
focus_type | bus_opp_role | focus_type | Object type ID of the role-player; i.e., 173=an business organizations's role, 5000=an opportunity's role | |
products | bus_opp_role | products | Products this bus_org is trying to sell in this opportunity | |
close_date | bus_opp_role | close_date | Attempted close date for the opportunity by the bus_org | |
amount | bus_opp_role | amount | Currenty amount the bus_org is trying to close in this opportunity | |
drop_date | bus_opp_role | drop_date | Date on which the bus_org dropped out of the opportunity | |
drop_reason | bus_opp_role | drop_reason | Reason the bus_org left the opportunity | |