con_sp_role_objid | con_sp_role | objid | Con_sp_role internal record number | 3 (UNIQUE) |
contact_role_objid | contact_role | objid | Contact role internal record number | |
con_objid | contact | objid | Contact internal record number | |
loc_objid | site | objid | Site internal record number | |
sp_objid | site_part | objid | Site_part internal record number | |
instance_name | site_part | instance_name | Default is the concatination of part name, part number, and part revision. May be customized | |
serial_no | site_part | serial_no | Installed part serial number | |
con_sp_role_name | con_sp_role | role_name | Role name of contact | |
level_to_bin | site_part | level_to_bin | Relative level to a bin | |
level_to_part | site_part | level_to_part | Relative installation hierarchy level to a part | |
first_name | contact | first_name | Contact first name | |
last_name | contact | last_name | Contact last name | |
phone | contact | phone | Contact phone number which includes area code, number, and extension | |
e_mail | contact | e_mail | Contact e-mail address | |
mobile_phone | contact | mobile_phone | Contact mobile phone number which includes area code, number, and extension | |
contact_role_name | contact_role | role_name | Role name of contact | |
site_name | site | name | Site name | |