SQL View Name:wipelm_all
SQL View Number:5748
Base Table:wipbin
Description:Display cases, subcase, crs, dialogues, action items, opportunities, solutions, part requests in a wipbin


Field NameCommon TypeDatabase TypeGeneric Field IDArray SizeDefaultFlagsComment
ageCLK_TIMEdatetime    Creation date and time of the probdesc object 
age_strCHARvarchar 32  To display elapsed time of a workflow object in wipbin 
conditionCHARvarchar 80  Title of condition 
creation_dateCLK_TIMEdatetime    Dummy field use for temporary value 
devLONGint151  DIRECT Row version number for mobile distribution purposes 
elm_objidLONGint   DIRECT Wipbin element internal record number 
idnumCHARvarchar 32  Unique ID number 
objidLONGint3  DIRECT Internal record number 
priorityCHARvarchar 32  Dummy field use to store a temporary value 
statusCHARvarchar 32  Dummy field use to store a temporary value 
struct_typeLONGint   DIRECT Dummy field use to store a temporary value 
titleCHARvarchar 24  WIPbin title 
wip_objidLONGint   DIRECT Wipbin element internal record number 
wipbin_typeCHARvarchar 32  Dummy field use to store a temporary value 


select elm_objid as objid, '0' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str, -1 as dev,wip_objid,
8 as elm_objid, age, start_date as creation_date, condition, status, title, '' as priority,
id as idnum, -1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_task
select o.elm_objid as objid,'1' as wipbin_type,' ' as age_str,-1 as dev,o.wip_objid,2 as elm_objid,o.age, c.creation_time as creation_date,o.condition,o.status,o.title,o.priority,o.id_number as idnum,-1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_case o,table_case c where c.objid=o.elm_objid
select elm_objid as objid,'2' as wipbin_type,' ' as age_str,-1 as dev,n.wip_objid,1 as elm_objid,n.age,b.creation_time as creation_date,n.condition,n.status,n.title,n.priority,n.id_number as idnum,-1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_bug n,table_bug b where b.objid=n.elm_objid
select elm_objid as objid, '3' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str,-1 as dev, wip_objid, 3 as elm_objid, age, create_dt as creation_date, condition, table_wipelm_contr.status, table_wipelm_contr.title, '' as priority, table_wipelm_contr.id as idnum, table_contract.struct_type as struct_type from table_wipelm_contr, table_contract where table_contract.objid = table_wipelm_contr.elm_objid and table_wipelm_contr.struct_type=0
select elm_objid as objid,'4' as wipbin_type,' ' as age_str,-1 as dev,wip_objid,4 as elm_objid,age,e.creation_time as creation_date,condition, status,e.title,priority,id as idnum,-1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_dlg p,table_dialogue e where e.objid=p.elm_objid
select elm_objid as objid, '5' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str, -1 as dev,wip_objid, 6 as elm_objid, age, update_stamp as creation_date, condition, status, name as title, '' as priority, id as idnum, -1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_opp
select elm_objid as objid, '6' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str,-1 as dev, wip_objid, 3 as elm_objid, age, create_dt as creation_date, condition, table_wipelm_contr.status, table_wipelm_contr.title, '' as priority, table_wipelm_contr.id as idnum, table_contract.struct_type as struct_type from table_wipelm_contr, table_contract where table_contract.objid = table_wipelm_contr.elm_objid and table_wipelm_contr.struct_type=4
select objid, '61' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str, -1 as dev, wip_objid, 9 as elm_objid, age, creation_date, condition, status, title, priority, idnum, -1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_demanddtl
select elm_objid as objid, '7' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str,-1 as dev, wip_objid, 3 as elm_objid, age, create_dt as creation_date, condition, table_wipelm_contr.status, table_wipelm_contr.title, '' as priority, table_wipelm_contr.id as idnum, table_contract.struct_type as struct_type from table_wipelm_contr, table_contract where table_contract.objid = table_wipelm_contr.elm_objid and table_wipelm_contr.struct_type=1
select elm_objid as objid, '8' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str, -1 as dev,wip_objid, 5 as elm_objid, age, table_probdesc.creation_time as creation_date, condition, '' as status, table_probdesc.title, '' as priority,
table_probdesc.id_number as idnum, -1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_fnl, table_probdesc where table_probdesc.objid = table_wipelm_fnl.elm_objid
select elm_objid as objid, '9' as wipbin_type, ' ' as age_str, -1 as dev,wip_objid, 7 as elm_objid, age, table_subcase.creation_time as creation_date, condition, status, table_subcase.title, priority, table_subcase.id_number as idnum, -1 as struct_type from table_wipelm_subcase, table_subcase where table_subcase.objid = table_wipelm_subcase.elm_objid
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