View Name:bar_busorg_fa_pm_eaddr_v
View Number:5827
Group:Billing Manager
Description:To get bus_org, financial account, pay means and e_address information associated for a billing arrangement.Used in bill_prof_create.jsp JSP page


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
ba_objidblg_argmntobjidblg_argmnt internal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
fa_objidfin_accntobjidFin_accnt internal record number 
pm_objidpay_meansobjidPay_means internal record number 
bus_objidact_bus_org(bus_org)objidBus_org internal record number 
e_addr_objide_addrobjidE_addr internal record number 
ba_hier_name_indblg_argmnthier_name_indIndicates whether billing arrangement name is derived from organization's name or not, i.e., 0=No, 1=Yes, default=0 
ba_nameblg_argmntnameName of billing arrangement 
ba_statusblg_argmntstatusStatus of billing arrangement, e.g. Active, Close 
ba_descriptionblg_argmntdescriptionBilling arrangements description. The name is used for the sending of the bill, the description is the BAR description 
bus_nameact_bus_org(bus_org)nameName of the account 
fa_namefin_accntnameA name for the financial account, e.g., Monthly charges of sales division 
pm_means_typepay_meansmeans_typeThe payment option for this line item; e.g., purchase order, credit card, etc. This is from a user-defined popup with default name PAY_METHOD 
pm_cc_namepay_meanscc_nameFor credit cards, complete name of the credit card owner as it appears on the card 
pm_cc_typepay_meanscc_typeFor credit cards, the credit card type populated from a user defined pop-up with the title 'cctype' 
pm_cc_exp_nopay_meanscc_exp_mo2-digit number of the month when the card expires 
pm_cc_exp_yrpay_meanscc_exp_yr2- or 4-digit number of the year in which the credit card expires 
pm_last_fourpay_meanslast_fourLast four digits of the pay_means id_number 
pm_pin_nopay_meanspin_noThe number that is given to the user in order for the user to identify the credit card/bank details with out giving the credit card information or bank details 
pm_bank_codepay_meansbank_codeBank's code 
pm_branch_codepay_meansbranch_codeBranch's code 
pm_account_ownerpay_meansaccount_ownerName of account owner 
pm_authorization_nopay_meansauthorization_nothe authorization number, as was given by the bank or CC company, to direct debit the account 
pm_authorization_stspay_meansauthorization_stsStatus of process to approve direct debit in the bank 
e_addr_e_nume_addre_numFull electonic address number; e.g., phone number including country code (if needed) and area code, email number, pager number. This is the addressable number 
e_addr_e_typee_addre_typeType of electronic address; i.e., 0=reserved, 1=e-mail, 2=phone, 3=fax, 4-9999 (Reserved) 
primary_bus_objidprimary_bus_org(bus_org)objidPrimary bus_org internal record number 
bus_org_idact_bus_org(bus_org)org_idUser-specified ID number of the organization 
pm_id_numberpay_meansid_numberPayment means identification number; e.g., the credit card number 
pm_bank_namepay_meansbank_nameName of the bank 


Join FromJoin To
(blg_argmnt).blg_argmnt2fin_accntOUTER (fin_accnt).fin_accnt2blg_argmnt
(blg_argmnt).blg_argmnt2pay_meansOUTER (pay_means).pay_means2blg_argmnt
OUTER primary_bus_org(bus_org).primary2blg_argmnt(blg_argmnt).primary_ba2bus_org
(blg_argmnt).primary_blg_argmnt2e_addrOUTER (e_addr).primary_e_addr2blg_argmnt
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