ba_objid | blg_argmnt | objid | Blg_argment internal record number | 3 (UNIQUE) |
ba_name | blg_argmnt | name | Name of billing arrangement | |
site_objid | site | objid | Site internal record number | |
site_name | site | name | Name of the site | |
address_objid | address | objid | Site internal record number | |
address | address | address | Line 1 of address which includes street number, street name, office, building, or suite number, etc | |
address2 | address | address_2 | Line 2 of address which typically includes office, building, or suite number, etc | |
city | address | city | The city for the specified address | |
zipcode | address | zipcode | The zip or other postal code for the specified address | |
state_prov_name | state_prov | name | State or province name | |
state_prove_full_name | state_prov | full_name | State or province full name | |
state_prov_code | state_prov | code | State or province code | |
country_name | country | name | Name of the specific country | |
country_code | country | code | Country code used in telephone numbers for that country | |
tz_name | time_zone | name | Time zone name | |
tz_full_name | time_zone | full_name | Detailed name/description of time zone | |
site_id | site | site_id | Unique site number assigned according to auto-numbering definition | |
e_addr_objid | e_addr | objid | E_addr internal record number | |
e_num | e_addr | e_num | Full electonic address number; e.g., phone number including country code (if needed) and area code, email number, pager number. This is the addressable number | |
type | e_addr | e_type | Type of electronic address; i.e., 0=reserved, 1=e-mail, 2=phone, 3=fax, 4-9999 (Reserved) | |
bus_org_objid | bus_org | objid | Internal record number for bus_org | |
fa_objid | fin_accnt | objid | Financial account internal record number | |