re_objid | req_to_extern | objid | Req_to_extern internal record number | |
re_req_type | req_to_extern | req_type | Type of request | |
re_description | req_to_extern | description | Description of activity that created the request | |
re_status | req_to_extern | status | Status of request, 0=Hold, 1=Ready for send, 2=Waiting for approval,3=Sent, 4=Done, 5=Failed, 6=Rejected; Default - 1 | |
re_creation_time | req_to_extern | creation_time | Creation date and time | |
re_addnl_info | req_to_extern | addnl_info | XML string that captures additional information needed for the request to be sent | |
re_is_ready | req_to_extern | is_ready | 1=Ready to be send, 0=Not read, Default=0 | |
pm_objid | pay_means | objid | Pay_means internal record number | |
pm_bank_name | pay_means | bank_name | Name of the bank | |
pm_cc_type | pay_means | cc_type | For credit cards, the credit card type populated from a user defined pop-up with the title 'cctype' | |
pm_last_four | pay_means | last_four | Last four digits of the pay_means id_number | |
bus_objid | bus_org | objid | Bus_org internal record number | |
bus_name | bus_org | name | Name of the organization | |
bus_org_id | bus_org | org_id | User-specified ID number of the organization | |
fa_objid | fin_accnt | objid | Fin_accnt internal record number | |
fa_name | fin_accnt | name | A name for the financial account, e.g., Monthly charges of sales division | |
ppb_objid | pp_bucket | objid | Pp_bucket internal record number | |
ppb_name | pp_bucket | name | A name for the pre paid bucket | |
ri_objid | rechrg_instrn | objid | Rechrg_instrn internal record number | |
ba_objid | blg_argmnt | objid | blg_argmnt internal record number | |
ba_name | blg_argmnt | name | Name of billing arrangement | |