View Name:interaction_overview
View Number:5859
Description:View for interaction detail. Used in interaction_view_html_inc.jsp JSP page


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
interaction_objidintrxnobjidInteraction internal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
titleintrxntitleSummary of what took place 
typeintrxntypeThe type of interaction. Eg: complaint, schedule pick-up, Literature Request, product interest, etc. 
paymentintrxnpay_optionType of payment for the interaction; e.g. non-billable, contract, incident, pay-per-call, etc. From user defined pop up list with default name Interaction Pay Option 
notesintrxnnotesNotes describing additional information about an interaction 
channelchanneltitleCommon name of the channel 
directionintrxndirectionThe direction of the interaction; i.e 0=unknown, 1=inbound, 2=outbound, 3=both 
mediamediumtitleCommon name of the medium 
create_timeintrxnstart_timeDate and time the interaction was started 
end_timeintrxnend_timeDate and time the interaction was ended 
contact_objidcontactobjidcontact internal record number 
contact_firstcontactfirst_nameContact's first name 
contact_lastcontactlast_nameContact's last name 
contact_titlecontacttitleContact's professional title 
contact_phonecontactphoneContact's phone number which includes area code, number, and extension 
contact_mobilecontactmobile_phoneContact's mobile phone number which includes area code, number, and extension 
contact_faxcontactfax_numberContact's fax number which includes area code, number, and extension 
contact_emailcontacte_mailContact's primary e-mail address 
account_objidbus_orgobjidInternal record number 
account_idbus_orgorg_idBus_org internal record number 
account_namebus_orgnameName of the organization 
account_typebus_orgtypeBusiness type; e.g., competitor, prospect, customer. This is a user-defined pop up with default name Company Type 
account_statusbus_orgstatusStatus of bus_org; i.e., 0=active, 1=inactive, 2=obsolete, default=0 


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