intrxn_objid | intrxn | objid | interaction objid | |
comm_objid | communication | objid | Internal record number for communication object | 3 (UNIQUE) |
dev | communication | dev | Row version number for mobile distribution purposes | 151 |
title | communication | title | Title or subject of the communication | 2 |
text | communication | text | Text of the communication after conversion from any medium-specific data format | 23 |
creation_time | communication | creation_time | Date and time the communication was created | 1 |
direction | communication | direction | The direction of the communication; i.e., 0=unknown, 1=inbound, 2=outbound, 3=both, default=0 | |
to_list | communication | to_list | Contains the list of the TO addresses | |
from_address | communication | from_address | For email, contains the email address of the sender | |
delivery_status | communication | delivery_status | The delivery status of the communication; i.e., 0=draft, 1=pending, 2=sent, 3=received, 4=failed, 5=bounced, default=0 | |
auto_exec_ind | communication | auto_exec_ind | Indicates if the communication was generated and sent without review; i.e., 0=no, suggested only, 1=yes, sent automatically, default=0. Derives from cl_action.auto_exec_ind at time of rule execution | |
priority | communication | priority | Priority of the email; 1=urgent; 3=normal; 5=low; default=3 | |