adjustment | LONG | tinyint | | | | DIRECT | Type of value in the price field; i.e., 0=currency amount, 1=percent of parent from price_qty, 2=percent of child, 3 =Fixed amount, 4=Precentage, 5=Final amount |
adjustment_string | CHAR | varchar | | 25 | | | Translates price_type |
currency_objid | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | Internal record number |
currency_symbol | CHAR | varchar | | 5 | | | Symbol for the currency; e.g., $ for US dollar |
effective_date | CLK_TIME | datetime | | | | | Date the price instance becomes effective |
expire_date | CLK_TIME | datetime | | | | | Last date the price instance is effective |
is_reference | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | Indicates that this price is referenced from another system an cannot be edited. 1=referenced, 0=not referenced |
offr_price_is_shared | LONG | tinyint | | | | DIRECT | Indicates that the indirect offr_price can be re-used across offerings. 1=shared, 0=not shared; default=0 |
offr_price_objid | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | Internal record number |
price | DECIMAL | decimal (19,4) | | | | | Price for a given product |
price_inst_objid | LONG | int | 3 | | | DIRECT | Internal record number |
price_prog_name | CHAR | varchar | | 40 | | | Name for the pricing program |
price_prog_objid | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | Internal record number |
price_type | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | Pricing type used to decide how to handle the charge. 1=One time charge on the Bill, 2=Immediate Charge, 3= Recurring Charge |
price_type_description | CHAR | varchar | | 255 | | | Marketing text to be used to present the pricing to the user or customer e.g. 'Connection Fee', 'Monthly Line Rental', 'Deposit' |
price_type_objid | LONG | int | | | | DIRECT | Internal record number |
rate_description | CHAR | varchar | | 255 | | | String value of price amount |