function_objid | function | objid | Objid from table function | |
func_group_objid | func_group | objid | Objid from table func_group | |
func_group_parent_objid | group_parent(func_group) | objid | Objid from parent function group | |
group_inst_parent_objid | group_inst_parent(group_inst) | objid | Objid of the parent group instance | |
group_inst_objid | group_inst | objid | Objid of the group instance | 3 (UNIQUE) |
group_inst_parent_status | group_inst_parent(group_inst) | status | Status of the parent group instance | |
group_inst_status | group_inst | status | Status of the group instance | |
group_inst_iter_seqno | group_inst | iter_seqno | Status of the group instance | |
func_group_iter | func_group | iter | 0=No Iteration, 1=Iteration, 2=Sequential Iteration | |
func_type | function | func_type | Function type. 0 = normal, 1 = error, 2 = cancel | |
id | group_inst | id | Id from the group instance, displayed in tree view | |
is_milestone | func_group | is_milestone | 0 = No, 1 = Completion of this group is a milestone in the process | |
group_inst_start | group_inst | start_time | Date and time the function was executed | |
group_inst_end | group_inst | end_time | Date and time the function was completed | |
iter_instance_count | group_inst | iter_instance_count | total number of instances for a sequential iteration group | |