View Name:process_rqst_inst_view
View Number:9873
Group:Process Manager
Description:Used by process engine to view service fields


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
rqst_inst_objidrqst_instobjidobjid of rqst_int 
svc_rqst_objidsvc_rqstobjidObjid of svc_rqst 
svc_fld_objidsvc_fldobjidObjid of svc_fld 3 (UNIQUE)
busyrqst_instbusy0 = request is idle, 1 = request is busy 
error_statusrqst_insterror_statusStatus of an error group (Active, Fallout, Resumed) 
err_coderqst_insterr_codeError Code 
err_inforqst_insterr_infoAdditional info for an error 
err_messrqst_insterr_messError message 
err_typerqst_insterr_typeType of error eg USER, SYSTEM 
focus_lowidrqst_instfocus_lowidObjid of the focus object 
focus_objectrqst_instfocus_objectFocus object as text (focus_type is less useful!) 
focus_typerqst_instfocus_typeFocus object for group 
resume_focus_lowidrqst_instresume_focus_lowidResume focus lowid for error group 
resume_focus_typerqst_instresume_focus_typeResume focus type for error group 
statusrqst_inststatusActive, Complete, Suspended, Error 
svc_typesvc_rqsttype0 = Action, 1 = Null, 2 = Fallout, 3 = Raise Error 
cb_exesubsvc_rqstcb_exesub0 = svc_name is Tux service, 1 = svc_name is sub func. name written to subfld, subsvc=Tux service, 2: Tux service = CB_EXESUB, subsvc is CLFY_SUB 
durationsvc_rqstdurationMaximum duration (number of seconds before timeout) 
idsvc_rqstidFunction ID 
svc_namesvc_rqstsvc_nameThe Tuxedo service name that this function will call 
attrib_namesvc_fldattrib_nameAttribute name 
fml_attrib_typesvc_fldfml_attrib_typeAttribute type of the FML field definition; one of 'long', 'string' (or possibly 'date') 
db_attrib_typesvc_flddb_attrib_typeAttribute type from database; Same as N_Attribute.N_Type 
is_flexiblesvc_fldis_flexible0 = Current focus object, 1 = rqst_inst 
filter_listsvc_fldobject_condCondition list for object path 
fld_namesvc_fldfld_nameFML field name 
focussvc_fldfocus0 = Current focus object, 1 = rqst_inst 
focus_alphasvc_fldfocus_alphaString value for focus 
pathsvc_fldpathThe database path that defines the field value 
sqlfromsvc_fldobject_sqlfromSQL FROM clause for object path 
sqlwheresvc_fldobject_sqlwhereSQL WHERE clause for object path 
target_idsvc_fldobject_target_idObject path target type ID 
target_namesvc_fldtarget_nameTarget of object path 
typesvc_fldtype1 = Activation, 2 = Input, 3 = Dependent, 4 = Output, 5 = Output-Async, 6 = Input Constant, 7 = Output Constant 
type_alphasvc_fldtype_alphaString value for type 
sub_servicesvc_rqstsub_serviceCOntrolled by cb_exesub, the tux service, or sub-service to call 
sub_fieldsvc_rqstsub_fieldThe FML field that svc_name is written to 
retry_intervalsvc_rqstretry_intervalRetry Interval 
max_retriessvc_rqstmax_retriesMaximum retries 
retry_countrqst_instretry_countRetry count 
proc_inst_objidproc_instobjidObjid of proc_inst 
start_timerqst_inststart_timeDate and time the function was executed 
is_rerunnablesvc_rqstis_rerunnableIdentifies whether service call can be safely re-executed after a system failure 


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