View Name:procdef_node_view
View Number:9894
Group:Process Manager
Description:Used by the Process Manager run-time engine to read process definition data. Used by backgroud processes


View Field NameTable NameField NameCommentGeneric Field Id
parent_group_objidparent_group(func_group)objidObjid of the parent function group 
function_objidfunctionobjidInternal record number 3 (UNIQUE)
function_seqnofunctionseqnoSequence number for serial functions 
function_func_typefunctionfunc_typeFunction type. 0 = normal, 1 = error, 2 = cancel 
function_valuefunctionvalueThe value to match for a conditional group 
function_val_typefunctionval_type0 = Path, 1 = constant 
function_val_focusfunctionval_focusIf val_type is Path then 0 = focus object, 1 =group_inst 
function_cond_typefunctioncond_typeFor condition groups, the function type. 0 = value, 1 = default, 2 = action 
function_cond_operatorfunctioncond_operatorFor condition groups, the operator type. 0 = equal to, 1 = greater than, 2 = less than, 3 = greater than/equal to, 4 = less than/equal to 
function_cond_expectedfunctioncond_expected1 = The expected function in a conditional group 
function_focus_objectfunctionfocus_objectThe focus object of the function (and its related group/rqst/sub-process) 
function_flagsfunctionflagsVarious flags that control the way a function is used 
function_reforecastfunctionreforecastReforecast at the completion of this function 
function_goto_seqnofunctiongoto_seqnoGoto sequence number for associative group functions 
function_goto_condfunctiongoto_condThe focus object of the function (and its related group/rqst/sub-process) 
function_goto_cond_seqnofunctiongoto_cond_seqnoOrder of evaluation of goto_cond (lowest to highest) 
function_is_checkpointfunctionis_checkpointThis is a checkpoint funciton in a manual checkpoint group 
action_objidsvc_rqstobjidInternal record number 
action_idsvc_rqstidFunction ID 
action_typesvc_rqsttype0 = Service call, 1 = Null, 2 = Fallout, 3 = Raise Error 4 = Resume 5 = Raise Cancel 6 = ShowPage 
action_svc_namesvc_rqstsvc_nameThe Tuxedo service name that this function will call 
action_durationsvc_rqstdurationMaximum duration (number of seconds before timeout) 
action_max_retriessvc_rqstmax_retriesMaximum retries 
action_retry_intervalsvc_rqstretry_intervalRetry Interval 
action_cb_exesubsvc_rqstcb_exesub0 = svc_name is Tux service, 1 = svc_name is sub func. name written to subfld, subsvc=Tux service, 2: Tux service = CB_EXESUB, subsvc is CLFY_SUB 
action_sub_servicesvc_rqstsub_serviceCOntrolled by cb_exesub, the tux service, or sub-service to call 
action_sub_fieldsvc_rqstsub_fieldThe FML field that svc_name is written to 
action_use_elapsedsvc_rqstuse_elapsedFor forecasting: 0 = use bizcal hours, 1 = use elapsed time 
action_action_specsvc_rqstaction_specThe action_spec XML that defines the action 
process_objidprocessobjidInternal record number 
process_idprocessidProcess ID 
process_durationprocessdurationMax. duration (number of seconds before timeout) 
process_statusprocessstatusStatus of the process - New, Verified, Active, Obsolete 
process_focus_objectprocessfocus_objectThe focus object of the process 
process_bizcal_pathprocessbizcal_pathBusiness calendar path 
process_owner_pathprocessowner_pathOwner path 
process_forecastingprocessforecastingForecasting mode: 0 = None, 1 = Forecast at creation, 2 = Reforecast each step 
group_objidfunc_groupobjidInternal record number 
group_idfunc_groupidFunction Group ID 
group_typefunc_grouptypeType of Group 1=Serial, 2=Parallel, 3=Conditional 
group_iterfunc_groupiterType of iteration 0=Not iterative, 1=iterative, 2=iterative sequential 
group_iter_pathfunc_groupiter_pathIteration path 
group_iter_focusfunc_groupiter_focus0 = Current focus object, 1 = current group_inst 
group_iter_orderfunc_groupiter_orderColon separated list of fields to order the iteration for sequential processing 
group_cond_pathfunc_groupcond_pathConditional expression 
group_cond_focusfunc_groupcond_focus0 = Current focus object, 1 = current group_inst 
group_iter_expectedfunc_groupiter_expectedExpected iteration count for forecasting sequential iteration 
group_is_milestonefunc_groupis_milestone0 = No, 1 = Completion of this group is a milestone in the process 
group_exec_typefunc_groupexec_type0 = Default, 1 = foreground, 2 = detached 
group_checkpoint_modefunc_groupcheckpoint_mode0 = Automatic, 1 = Manual 
group_iter_target_namefunc_groupiter_target_nameIteration path target object name 
group_iter_target_idfunc_groupiter_target_idIteration path target type ID 
action_is_rerunnablesvc_rqstis_rerunnableSet to 1 if the service call can be safely re-executed after a system failure 
group_iter_rev_pathfunc_groupiter_rev_pathIteration reverse path 
process_is_transientprocessis_transientDefines a process as transient, in which case it does not create any instance data when executed. 
process_tlistprocesstlistSemicolon delimited list of tags that define process instances that can run non-ACTIVE versions of this definition 
group_iterated_itemfunc_groupiterated_itemFor non-database iteration, defines the location of the iterated item within each iterated occurrence of the group 
action_showpage_typesvc_rqstshowpage_typeFor showpage actions: 0 - normal, 1 = No Display, 2 = Display Only 


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(function).function2func_groupOUTER (func_group).func_group2function
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(function).function2processOUTER (process).process2function
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